Last movie you've watched

Pointless to you perhaps because casinos or gambling is of no interest to you. And it's based on a true story so perhaps if you read the book you would appreciate it more (though the movie is almost entirely different from the book). Anyways the point in this movie is you should take risks in life or else you don't have a story to tell (remember that in the movie when he is interviewing for the scholarship?). Anyways i suggest you read the book Bringing Down the House and you'll like the movie better. It was not meant to be a academy award movie type, just a entertaining movie.

No, I get that. And it definitely was entertaining, it just wasn't good.

Everything I've heard seems to be that if you like the book, you'll hate the movie.

And I'm sorry, but no one is getting a full-ride med scholarship by walking in to a dean's office and saying: "so, I basically risked my money, life, friends, and family so that I could get shitfaced, play games, and bang Superman's baby-mama."

The performances were funny, the script was atrocious. I've heard the book is ten times better, maybe I'll give it a shot.
I forgot to mention that I'm reading Busting Vegas by the same author... it's a offshoot to Bringing Down the House... about another group of MIT card counters from the same period... so far this book is good like the first one...
Well at least he's an author that really likes to explore many different themes...
He does... but his first book Bringing Down theHouse was such a bestseller that he followed it up with Busting Vegas... if you read either book you will see why the MIT Team's adventures are interesting... Anyways he has written other books that are not about the MIT team... most notably Ugly Americans, about professional financial market traders in Japan with stories of sex, drugs , Yakuza etc...
just watched:
Wild Zero - Japanese movie about a rock band, killer zombies and alien invasion... Very camp and fun movie.

Run Lola Run - German movie about some chick that spends most of the movie running. Good movie!
This stupid anti-drinking movie. I already hate alcoholic drinks, but its better than writing.
Yeah, I saw Iron Man too. It was fucking awesome. It's obviously a little sparse in content because it really is setting up for sequels, but the direction and the acting was top notch from every one. Downey Jnr is a magnetic bastard who fits the role perfectly. So many nice little touches to the movie that make it one of the most accomplished comic book movies out there.
I agree, it was highly enjoyable. Downey elevated it above a decent standard, but it tended towards conventional superhero fare towards the end, I felt. Still, very witty, entertaining stuff!

Also saw Son of Rambow and thought it was great; it had a charm and quirkiness that reminded me of Danny Boyle's Millions.
Yep, I thought the same. Millions is a great movie, arguably Boyles best work. It's a testament to how skilled he is, and how varied his interests are. Son of Rambow was excellent, beautifully rendered and so full of little touches that made it all work.
I saw In Bruges at a pre-screening months back with writer/director Martin McDonagh, who is also a playwright. I absolutely loved the movie. So much that I read his 6 plays...the man's fecking brilliant.

As for Iron Man, killer comic book movie. One of the best.