Late night thoughts.

Captain Beard

No longer active
Sep 6, 2001
Well, lately, I've been taking a took at my hair and noticing how thin its been getting... I've been wondering if its worth the effort to keep up being long anymore.:cry: Should I cut it? If not, why? If so, what so you think would work on me? (No short hair, use a photo of me from the photo site for reference and study if you need to.)
noooo! Don't cut it yet! Yarg, long hair is hot.
Maybe you could give it a trim and then use something to thicken it up?
That might help a bit :dopey:
But it you're having the 'other' type of thinning...

All hail the skullet!

Okaay, its bedtime :wave:
I feel your pain...I had Warrel-length hair in 1993 and found out I had cancer. The first thing I asked was if my hair would fall out from chemo and found out it would. I decided to beat it to the punch and cut it off myself. I had my guitar player cut it, which he did while weeping for my damn hair, and then shaved it down. They said I never looked meaner :tickled:

It was the hardest decision I've ever made...I didn't want it falling out in clumps and looking terrible, so....:erk:

Anyway, after chemo I figured I'd grow it back down another four years, but the top never came this day I'm devastated...LOL. Metal isn't about hair, man...just ask Kirk Dammit! Seriously, do what ever makes you happy, man! :headbang:


do it

I'm gonna get a haircut this week, my long hair has become annoying...
well... its just gonna be to my shoulders now, but.. that's short!
PratlPoet said:
I feel your pain...I had Warrel-length hair in 1993 and found out I had cancer. The first thing I asked was if my hair would fall out from chemo and found out it would. I decided to beat it to the punch and cut it off myself. I had my guitar player cut it, which he did while weeping for my damn hair, and then shaved it down. They said I never looked meaner :tickled:

It was the hardest decision I've ever made...I didn't want it falling out in clumps and looking terrible, so....:erk:

Anyway, after chemo I figured I'd grow it back down another four years, but the top never came this day I'm devastated...LOL. Metal isn't about hair, man...just ask Kirk Dammit! Seriously, do what ever makes you happy, man! :headbang:



Thats sad shit dude. :cry:
dead6skin6mask6 said:
youre doing fine now, i hope?

Oh yeah...sorry...didn't mean to be a downer...yeah, totally cured since 1995. :Spin: When I began college my professor said I should write a book about it after seeing an essay I wrote. I took him up on the challenge, wrote it, then went through a very dark period. I managed to avoid dealing with it while I was going through it because I felt bad for my parents, but once I wrote it I HAD to deal and it was really tough...almost got the better of me once or twice, but I'm still here and too stubborn to kick yet :headbang:

I just wanted to say that it isn't about hair anymore for me...had it from 1985-93...I have nothing to prove with it anymore :)
hey, Dave, don't cut it just yet. wait for another year and try to find something in a pharmacy store to help you maintain it... in the meantime, (I bought some things for Nick and they work so far.... ) *said the woman who experiments on her hair quite often, and got it cut drasticaly 2-3 weeks ago*

PlP man, way to go :wave:
Yeah Dave, I'd just try and keep it for as long as I could until it really just got too bad. Because once you cut it, you might not be able to grow it back ever again.
Random Beard said:
Well, lately, I've been taking a took at my hair and noticing how thin its been getting... I've been wondering if its worth the effort to keep up being long anymore.:cry: Should I cut it? If not, why? If so, what so you think would work on me? (No short hair, use a photo of me from the photo site for reference and study if you need to.)

BLASPHEMER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! o_O
Kiss The Void said:
BLASPHEMER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! o_O

You would say that, your hair is part of your "religion" ;).

It depends on what the hair means to you. If it's part of your self image, then you shouldn't cut it unless you have to. I started growing out my hair even before I got into metal, so I can't be accused of trendiness or peer pressure... :)

Also, like others in this thread seem to agree, a skullet can be made to look awesome. You have a Devy head anyway.
I say cut it. Yeah it looks cool on Devin, but he's Devin. Every other guy winds up looking like Riff Raff from Rocky Horror.

BlackwaterNymph said:
I say cut it. Yeah it looks cool on Devin, but he's Devin. Every other guy winds up looking like Riff Raff from Rocky Horror.


You haven't given me ideas on what to do with it, though.
Malergion said:
You would say that, your hair is part of your "religion" ;).

It depends on what the hair means to you. If it's part of your self image, then you shouldn't cut it unless you have to. I started growing out my hair even before I got into metal, so I can't be accused of trendiness or peer pressure... :)

Also, like others in this thread seem to agree, a skullet can be made to look awesome. You have a Devy head anyway.

eh, i dont have long hair because of music, anymore its just in defiance of every bullshit conception about long hair, and the fact that my hair is fucking pretty.

sidenote: long hair has never been trendy really

but anyway, at this point, cutting your hair would just ensure looking like a damn goober :wave: