Short hairstyles. Thoughts and recomendations.

Wow, your hair is epic. I have to say I don't think you should cut it....
But if you must one of the cuts like Aug posted are cool.
You could also just cut it in stages and see how you like it.
If you feel like it is getting thin try cutting like, 5 inches off, usually that'll. Get rid of thinning ends.
I mean at the end of the day, its just hair.... it grows back....
Michael your hair is quite epic!
I still haven't fully grown my hair yet because of school restrictions and health issues. So i'm still on that boat. I don't know how will it look like when it is fully grown out but i don't care that much. I think i can manage it. The problem is in the summer. I can't stand the heat with long hair.
isn't this just the norm for a good short haircut?

I know what the original poster means. There is a special way of doing this that is very popular. I tend to think it takes some inspiration from a classic ducktail look without actually being a ducktail.

This hairstyle I do like. Im not sure I can wear my hair like that though. My hair is very soft and it tends to always seek the lowest possible point. If I could try this one I probably would though. I would have to askt a hairdresser what he or she thinks.

I liked this one the best. Looks good :) This is also a good alternative for me. As I said above though the quality of my hair might be a problem. Yours look thick and strong in the pic.

@TheInsane a good gel or wax can give some nice volume to your soft hair
I hate my fucking hair but quite a few of the women I know seem to like it so whatever.