Late night thoughts.

Well, nobody can get balder than my father, so I'm not really hoping to have long hair. When I was 15-16 I didn't really care much, never really thought about it. Now, I'm 19 (damn i'm old), and allready have really thin hair. It's not really that bad yet, but I'm thinking why the fuck should I even try to let it grow when in 5 years I'll shave it. The Only problem is that my head will look like an egg if I shave it....
Random Beard said:

There you go.

whats funny is chicks talk big shit about being into dudes that look like that guy, but never actually date guys that look like that. :cool:
Kiss The Void said:
whats funny is chicks talk big shit about being into dudes that look like that guy, but never actually date guys that look like that. :cool:

You know some stupid chicks then. I'd love to bring him home ....and wash his hair, and keep him forever and ever. :Spin:
IMHO, there is nothing sexier than a man with long hair... except maybe a man that can cook... hmm, and has a sexy voice...


Unless of course you want to have a *relationship* with him, then I'd worry about personality, intelligence, compassion and sense of humor, and do what you like with your hair -- if you feel good, you'll look self-confident, and that's sexier than ANYTHING.
Unless of course you want to have a *relationship* with him, then I'd worry about personality, intelligence, compassion and sense of humor, and do what you like with your hair -- if you feel good, you'll look self-confident, and that's sexier than ANYTHING.

Yeah, thats where I have issues, the bold parts <_< But this isn't that thread.

Hmm... I'm just not happy with how my hair is all limp and thin and greasy. So I'll trim the bottom 3 inches and try special shampoo. Any suggestions on hair care products?
LOL -- Well, you have your whole life to work on that stuff, and you do seem to have a personality.

I understand not being on board with the limp and greasy thing. My hair is very fine and very fragile, and my husband has hair longer than mine, so my shower has more hair-care products in it than I care to admit. Paul is a redhead and used to use henna a lot, and he said that was AWESOME. Then people started suing companies because they couldn't figure out how to drive and drink coffee at the same time, and now it appears the henna companies only sell neutral henna, out of fear of a carrot-headed lawsuit, or common stupidity, I guess. He's never found anything he felt worked as well.

I found a nice combination works well for me. I use Aussie Real Volume Shampoo, Sheer Blonde Conditioner and I use Pantene's daily hair strengthener (spray on and leave in). I was a little surprised at how well the last one worked. Then I went to a salon and spent real $$ on a deep conditioner and about once a month I put it in my hair and leave it in for an hour, occasionally heating it up with the dryer and then rewraping it in a towel. It does increase volume and keeps my hair in somewhat better condition.

But between you and me and the fence post (OK, and everyone else on the board, LOL), I'd like to know what Warrel uses, 'cause, damn, that's a LOT of hair! :tickled:
BlackwaterNymph said:
You know some stupid chicks then. I'd love to bring him home ....and wash his hair, and keep him forever and ever. :Spin:

thank you sackmantha for setting up my next point
in the event that they do go for the rugged look, they always want to clean them up.
Kiss The Void said:
thank you sackmantha for setting up my next point
in the event that they do go for the rugged look, they always want to clean them up.

Rugged unkept hair is one thing. Dirty, greasy, smelly hair is another. It's fine and sometimes sexy for a guy to have that "whatever" look about him, as long as he actually bathes and washes his hair. A homeless crackhead on the street might have the same hairstyle, but I'm not going to want to fuck him.
BlackwaterNymph said:
Rugged unkept hair is one thing. Dirty, greasy, smelly hair is another. It's fine and sometimes sexy for a guy to have that "whatever" look about him, as long as he actually bathes and washes his hair. A homeless crackhead on the street might have the same hairstyle, but I'm not going to want to fuck him.

thats not what im talking about.

i can be clean as a whistle, in fact, i shampooed and conditioned my beard daily. however, i would be referred to as dirty looking when in fact my beard hair probably felt nicer than most chicks.

this all goes back to colonization when suddenly long hair became a bad thing.

hence the stupid fucking term "clean shaven"

but anyway, chicks that do go after a guy with the rugged look will try and "clean him up" whether he was dirty or not.