Late night thoughts.

Kiss The Void said:
thats not what im talking about.

i can be clean as a whistle, in fact, i shampooed and conditioned my beard daily. however, i would be referred to as dirty looking when in fact my beard hair probably felt nicer than most chicks.

this all goes back to colonization when suddenly long hair became a bad thing.

hence the stupid fucking term "clean shaven"

but anyway, chicks that do go after a guy with the rugged look will try and "clean him up" whether he was dirty or not.

Well yeah, you're going to be "scruffy" looking, when you are in fact ...scruffy looking, ie beard and long hair. I prefer facial hair and long hair over a "clean shaven" face and short haircut anyday. The only "cleaning" I'm going to do refers back to my first post when Christian Bale obviously had enough hair products going on (to make himself LOOK dirty) to keep V05 in business for a year. I don't like gel or mousse or hairspray, or dirty greasy hair. Again, why the fuck would I go try to "clean a guy up" simply because he has long hair and facial hair when that's what I LIKE???? I only want a guy to clean up if he's got shit in his hair or it's a smelly greasy mess.
So many to choose from :)

Sam and Andrew, take the debate outside of my hair thread please, I'm not dirty so it doesn't apply.

And I'll have to try all of these, but I have heard much about Infusium.
Chromatose said:
do it

I'm gonna get a haircut this week, my long hair has become annoying...
well... its just gonna be to my shoulders now, but.. that's short!

just following up, I got a haircut
Random Beard said:
So many to choose from :)

Sam and Andrew, take the debate outside of my hair thread please, I'm not dirty so it doesn't apply.

And I'll have to try all of these, but I have heard much about Infusium.

I wasn't aware you owned the world.

Don't use pantene or you'll smell homosexual.
BlackwaterNymph said:
Well yeah, you're going to be "scruffy" looking, when you are in fact ...scruffy looking, ie beard and long hair. I prefer facial hair and long hair over a "clean shaven" face and short haircut anyday. The only "cleaning" I'm going to do refers back to my first post when Christian Bale obviously had enough hair products going on (to make himself LOOK dirty) to keep V05 in business for a year. I don't like gel or mousse or hairspray, or dirty greasy hair. Again, why the fuck would I go try to "clean a guy up" simply because he has long hair and facial hair when that's what I LIKE???? I only want a guy to clean up if he's got shit in his hair or it's a smelly greasy mess.

sackmantha, you know damn well that im speaking females in general, and while you may not fit said stereotype, youre RARE AS FUCK. and you know im right :wave:
I can't grow my hair out. It'll get poofy as fuck.

Like King Buzzo from Fantomas except thicker. A lot thicker.

I second that motion.
chromie's hair is sexxxxy! i cut mine too while i was in texas. it was just so rough at the ends that entire hairs were breaking off and handfuls were coming out in the shower. its shoulder length now and doing much better :Spin:

sometimes hair cuttery is teh win :erk:
BlackwaterNymph said:
That would RULE. :wave: DO IT!

I dunno. There would be complications...

1. Buzzo must have a hell of a time sleeping at night, having hair that poofy and trying to sleep must be uncomfortable as all hell. It sure was for me when I had a semi-afro.

2. I'm trying to find a job in a heavy conservative area. That's not bad or anything but a lot of them are stuck up pricks for some reason who like to judge on looks.

I'm stuck. :(