Led !!


Sep 16, 2001
Toronto , Canada
Whats up Mountain Man?

I am siting beside a dude here who has a $10000 price on his head hahaha he sits here feeling all confyyy.hahaaha
Im gonna run out of money soon and turn him inhahahahahaha
as I write this he is still a prick,Will take apic in
This guy is gonna slap the smile of his face hahaha
my bro is gonna kill
who the fuck is after him? hahahahhaa
WHat did he do? I geuss your backing him up right? Yeah, i know you are. Take the ball bats to the fuckers after him.

Ive been looked for in my time hahahha. I seem to piss ppl off cause im to fuckin honest. I need to email you an address. The one you asked me about on th phone.

YEah, hahah, dad slaped the grin off my face sunday. Black eye i had. ITs leaving now the mark is.
I known him from childhood,
So I can't let him go down like that (Smartassed big mouth he is haha)
I hope you seen the pic of him before I deleated it !!!
I won't be caout in the cross fire because if he goes down ___well some other fucks will fall harder ha fuckinha
hell yeah dude, i knew you had his back. ITs just the thing to do. You cnat let a friend go down alone. At least i cant. I have had my ass kicked more times than 5 for helping out a pal in need. IT just has to be done.