Lets have a pics thread :)

Drinking, great topic :kickass:

For all those beer coinsures out there get you hands on some “Little Creatures Pale Ale” – Australian Micro Brewing at its finest!

Hell yes! And their Brown Ale was damn fine too.

Do you get Avery (Boulder, CO) distributed where you are? Try Maharaja. Damn, that is one hell of an Imperial IPA. All of Avery's beers rule though.

I will have to track some down and give it a shot, found a place in town that carries arrogant bastard, and I love the stuff, but hands down right now I love old rasputin
I've heard good about Little Creatures Pale Ale... may have to purchase one... what I have in my beer hand now, is nothing less than a might WEIHENSTEPHANER!!! Awesome beer!


:kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass:
I will have to track some down and give it a shot, found a place in town that carries arrogant bastard, and I love the stuff, but hands down right now I love old rasputin

Oh, yes, Old Rasputin is frickin' awesome. Not to sound like a tired record, but Avery makes a 15-16% stout called Mephistopheles. Holy smokes, that shit is great. But our local beer joint stopped selling it. Damn them.

Stone also has their Russian Imperial Stout out this month. Highly recommended, though I haven't had this year's version yet. I usually get a sixer of the bombers for each Stone special release to last me through the year.

Where are you in California? Do you get Bear Republic beers? I love Hop Rod Rye, and I had Racer 5 IPA on tap at EJ Phair in Concord on a business trip. That was a near-heaven experience to smell that nose! Like sniffing a fresh bag of Cascades.

...what I have in my beer hand now, is nothing less than a might WEIHENSTEPHANER!!! Awesome beer!

Yes, it is. I like Franziskaner on the Hefe front though.
ABQ, you seem to know your shit about beer pretty well, so could you make some reccomendations, since I'm always wanting to try something new.

I prefer dark, strong beers, particularly german styles (alt, bock, etc), but have also recently been getting into stouts. On the other hand, I also really dig wizens. Not too much of an IPA fan tho.
I've heard good about Little Creatures Pale Ale... may have to purchase one... what I have in my beer hand now, is nothing less than a might WEIHENSTEPHANER!!! Awesome beer!


:kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass:

as a fellow west aussie its a fucking disgrace u havent dried the kegs down at freo by now! :headbang:
Sure, Matt. I'm not sure what your local beer stores may have, but I'll definitely give you some recommendations. For German styles, I really like the Spaten brewery. They make everything from Pils to Doppelbocks, and they are the original brewers of Oktoberfest biers for the marriage of Prince Ludwig. Excellent stuff. My favorite of their beers though is the Doppelbock, Optimator. I love that stuff. It's tons o' malt and decently strong.

For Hefes, my favorite as I mentioned before is Franziskaner, another Munich beer. If you like Bavarian Hefes (clove and banana esters), I would also recommend looking into Dunkelweisens, which are basically Hefes made with dark grains. You get the same banana and clove esters in a darker beer.

For strong beers, though, I would recommend more on the Belgian sides, as in your Unibroue in NY. There are so many Belgian brews that to list even a handful would do major injustice to the zillion others out there. Definite tasters are Duvel, Chimay (Bleu is my fave, though Rouge is also great), and anything brewed in a monastery (known as Trappist Ales - only beers brewed in monasteries can be labeled Trappist). And if you like fruity beers, try a Lambic. These are ales fermented by wild yeasts. Geuze is known for a "horse-hair" taste, which is why I haven't tried one, but Framboise (raspberry) is a real knock-your-socks-off taste. Very tart and almost wine-like.

For stouts, again there are many to choose from. I like Sam Smith's oatmeal, but it comes in a clear bottle. Any bottle color other than brown or blue can allow hop oils to become "light struck", leading to a skunky taste/smell. Heineken is the best example of such a taste. I would really love to get back to England to get a Sam Smith's on cask.

Do not at all discount American craft breweries. America has a huge brewing heritage; unfortunately, much of that heritage was lost with Prohibition. The local brewpubs were put out of business, and with their loss came a loss of a large amount of knowledge and tradition. But, the craft brewing movement that started in the '90's has really put the US in the forefront of brewing. Unfortunately again, America is best known for producing light, flavorless Pilsners (Bud, Coors, Miller, etc.). Interestingly enough, these beers developed most of their flavors during WWII when women were the primary market targets since most men were overseas fighting the war. The flavors stuck though. In the NE area, look into Dogfish Head brews. And, since you're looking into stouts more, if you can find a Worldwide Stout from Dogfish Head, you'll soon find heaven. I paid over $10 for one 12-ounce bottle in Colorado and I wish I had a six pack to last through the years. Dogfish Head is best known for its IPAs though - 60 Minute, 90 Minute, and 120 Minute IPAs, which refer to boil length with a hops charge added every minute of the boil. Yum!

Yikes, I've written a novel. I started my foray into beer when I got married and put a Mr. Beer kit on my wedding registry as a joke. Somebody actually gifted it to us (me) though, and since then I've dived headlong into beer. This from a guy who had to force himself to drink beer in college because I didn't like the taste. But that was when BudMilloors were the only choices, though Pete's Wicked (original recipe) and Dixie Blackened Voodoo Lager soon changed my mind quickly enough.

I hope that helps. You probably just wanted a list of beers to try and not an expose on Mark's beer head, huh? Sorry, I got carried away. One of my favorite topics to talk about though.
I think he wants some sack from you J-Dub. He probably goes all Ret- on your pics you post online. Hope you don't have myspace...

I don't do dudes....I thought maybe he's grumpy because he got caught sniffing his teammate's jocks after his last baseball game.
(Don't make me come up with the chat log where I got this insider information)
LOL'ing at "...goes all Ret-..." :lol: