Lets have a pics thread :)

Yeah Dubs, take care of yourself up there. Seems like Wisconsin has been hit hard the last few years. Sadly, this weather is commonplace in the midwest. Seriously, any day the temp exceeds 80 there's almost always a severe weather or tornado watch/warning in effect. It can get old because it's hard sometimes just to enjoy a nice thunderstorm without worrying about wind/hail damage, or worse.

This is the only pic I've found:

Just heard on the radio that the owners of these destroyed homes won't be reimbursed for ANYTHING because the city had ended some sort of city-wide flood insurance program back in 2001. City officials wouldn't comment. Shocker. I'm sure there's still more to the story but shit, people just lost their homes and seemingly won't get a dime. Sucks.
Do they not have flood insurance themselves? I don't think it's up to the city to provide such insurance, and I would speculate they ended such a program due to the financial burden it was putting on other city programs. It is up to the city to ensure the dam is strong enough to hold water though...
Do they not have flood insurance themselves? I don't think it's up to the city to provide such insurance, and I would speculate they ended such a program due to the financial burden it was putting on other city programs. It is up to the city to ensure the dam is strong enough to hold water though...

Like I said, I'm sure there's more to the story. Of course it's not up to most/any cities to provide flood insurance. It just seems like they had an alternative system in place up until a few years ago so I found it strange. And unfortunate.
They (the town)let some kind of FEMA sponsored insurance program run out.
I was thinking of this as soon as the first reports came in, is this something that would be covered as a flood, or is the state/town to blame for the construction of the lake (it is a man made lake, an OLD one) and the highway that ran along side it. I did read reports early on that some residents tried to get flood insurance, but couldn't. No more detail than that.
FEMA should step up on that, because its first floor flood damage. We have problems around here with these mountain streams as well as the beloved Schoharie Valley. Its good for a flood every 5 - 10 years... which is like DUH, The Schoharie Valley is something like in the top 10 fertile valleys in the nation and its because it contains all the top soil from a large section of the Catskill mountains, which arent really mountains but a carved out former plateau, which means its a flood plain... so they built a bunch of towns on a flood plain. The mountain streams roar like a Lion and theres no bedrock rock so when we get the heavy rains, they undermine roads, take away people property and all slam down into that Schoharie and it cant take it.

One such mountain stream is 50 ft off the corner of my house. It did take a section of the road 200 ft from my house about 8 years ago. I lost some land but I spend time every summer moving large rocks out of the current and toward my bank so I did alright. I tried to get FEMA to help shot rock my banks or buy it out after that flood but I cant get anything until there is first floor flood damage... which same as those houses wont happen until it flops into the "crick". The town recieved a small fortune to repair this road and others damaged.

On a FEMA side note that all should be aware of.... There was a wicked flash flood further south in the Catskills. We hauled heavy rock into a seasonal mountain valley road which only had 6 houses on it, most of which were summer homes. The people that lost thier driveway bridges recieved no assistance. But FEMA awarded the town to rock this entire stream and roadside banks to the tune of MILLIONS of dollars..... all while the people down in Louisiana couldnt get help to save their asses. You remember the flood, it was the one there where gas prices rose 70 cents in one week prior to the hurricane because it might damage some refinery.... are we still paying for that refinery ? Or have they made enough money yet ?

We're paying on speculation and increased demand from China and India without increased supply from the Middle East. We should explore our own options here. Brazil just tapped an oil supply off their coasts that will provide the required oil for their country for many generations to come. But we're stuck in environmentalist land and we can't drill for our own oil.
I was under the impression that even if we went storming into the Alaska (and expanded the Texas) fields, we still would not meet demand on our own. Sure it would help, but the info I'd heard was that it would only be a small dent.

ALTERNATIVE fuels are the essential future. There are several companies out there that have devised methods for extracting 91 octane gas from growing algae in special rooms. This gas is not only green in color but also green for the environment, and not based on food products. They also claim it can function with existing infrastructure and have made a 747 flight to prove it.
:lol: How did that get in the picture/// flooding thread ? Prolly cause I mentioned the Louisiana refinery ?.... Opps !

Sounds good anyhow but we need to leave internal combustion behind

and not get in trouble on the picture thread.... lol
OK I know being an old fart its cheezy to post picture from the 80's but they have just recently been emailed to me so they are on my computer while more recent ones are in albums.

'81 or '82 when I had hair, before my girlfriends and their meddleing mothers got ahold of it. The black eye is from a dog run, electrical insulating ball as seen on powerpole guy wires, I used them to protect my dogs from lightning, it came at me FAST... lol

the beard was a winter thing, still sometimes but I cant stand it and shave it off a few times before spring

My Vantage VP795, when the band was in my living room and I was single... theres no excuse for the stoner grin... around '86-'87

My picture theif and I, around ? '84

I need a picture croping program, these came as scans, sorry for the wasted space.
yes I got the Jesus thing all the time.

Had the stache most of my life, seems it was only a few years ago, prolly 4-6 that I shaved it. Was a trend I suppose.

I had forgotten till I got going through pictures that I had my hair short through most of the 80's. I didnt grow it out again until the 90's. It was that deal of getting the front long enough to tie back for work, it would just get too annoying, finally I tuffed it out. Waivy hair takes forever to get long. My long hair there, wet was down to my chest.