Lets have a pics thread :)

FEMA should step up on that, because its first floor flood damage. We have problems around here with these mountain streams as well as the beloved Schoharie Valley. Its good for a flood every 5 - 10 years... which is like DUH, The Schoharie Valley is something like in the top 10 fertile valleys in the nation and its because it contains all the top soil from a large section of the Catskill mountains, which arent really mountains but a carved out former plateau, which means its a flood plain... so they built a bunch of towns on a flood plain. The mountain streams roar like a Lion and theres no bedrock rock so when we get the heavy rains, they undermine roads, take away people property and all slam down into that Schoharie and it cant take it.

One such mountain stream is 50 ft off the corner of my house. It did take a section of the road 200 ft from my house about 8 years ago. I lost some land but I spend time every summer moving large rocks out of the current and toward my bank so I did alright. I tried to get FEMA to help shot rock my banks or buy it out after that flood but I cant get anything until there is first floor flood damage... which same as those houses wont happen until it flops into the "crick". The town recieved a small fortune to repair this road and others damaged.

On a FEMA side note that all should be aware of.... There was a wicked flash flood further south in the Catskills. We hauled heavy rock into a seasonal mountain valley road which only had 6 houses on it, most of which were summer homes. The people that lost thier driveway bridges recieved no assistance. But FEMA awarded the town to rock this entire stream and roadside banks to the tune of MILLIONS of dollars..... all while the people down in Louisiana couldnt get help to save their asses. You remember the flood, it was the one there where gas prices rose 70 cents in one week prior to the hurricane because it might damage some refinery.... are we still paying for that refinery ? Or have they made enough money yet ?


Here's a link to the no insurance explanation. Sounds like a) somebody fucked up, and b) Somebody will get sued once this all starts heading to court...
Nice "...no comment....I won't answer that question...."

Here's a link to the no insurance explanation. Sounds like a) somebody fucked up, and b) Somebody will get sued once this all starts heading to court...
Nice "...no comment....I won't answer that question...."


Wow, "Heads are Gonna Roll". More bureaucratic bullshit, FEMA put them in a spot and they balked. "What we have here is a failure to communicate" and look at the end results. Something will be done but I must say I bet FEMA has little money after Louisaina and stuff like the work that was done in the Catskills. All that trouble with the Ohio wasnt all that long ago either, what maybe 10-15 years. The government doesnt have shit for money period. What a friggin mess. I'll tell you right now they spent more than the property damage mentioned in that artical on those mountain streams in the Catskills and they were nothing but seasonal roads... crazy.
I was under the impression that even if we went storming into the Alaska (and expanded the Texas) fields, we still would not meet demand on our own. Sure it would help, but the info I'd heard was that it would only be a small dent.

ALTERNATIVE fuels are the essential future.

What a fucking shame that Alaska needs to be pilfered just to quell(temporarily) the gas prices for the U.S. Personally, I don't care if gas hits $10/gal because maybe that's what it's gonna take for people to realize the importance of alternate forms of energy.

Kenneth hit it on the head. Alternate fuels are/have been around for years. Of course you can easily understand why they haven't been utilized, and break it down to the lowest common denominator...greed/stupidity.
What a fucking shame that Alaska needs to be pilfered just to quell(temporarily) the gas prices for the U.S. Personally, I don't care if gas hits $10/gal because maybe that's what it's gonna take for people to realize the importance of alternate forms of energy.

Kenneth hit it on the head. Alternate fuels are/have been around for years. Of course you can easily understand why they haven't been utilized, and break it down to the lowest common denominator...greed/stupidity.

Dude, this is the picture thread but do you realize the ignorance of that statement ? Do you drive to work ? Are you one of those smacking down 80,000 + a year or something ? Why do the "people" need to realize ? Do you think we all have said "oh we must burn gas" ? "The people" dont need to learn a fucking thing, we need to be able to afford to get to work and heat our homes. Dont you know the mass of our population bring home between 350-500 a week and drive many miles to get to work. We did not set this thing up, its the way it has been and the past 15 years any industry that can bill "the people" has been slamin us hard every year for more, more, more money, in fact far exceeding our annual raises... and now this ? Then the Hillary Clintons of the world purpose "no problem" everyone just needs to get a car that gets 40mpg... OK sounds fine, if you have brains enough to realize that that 40 mpg car is only going to be as affordable as what we were paying weekly last year with a 25mpg car.... say nothing about your goddamn $10 a gallon. But then some are making car payments... so you look into a trade and find you are 6/8/10 thousand dollars upside down on your 25 mpg car because they are not worth anything anymore... oh, no big deal just take the $6000+ loss. Then what about the people that dont even make enough to get a new car, the ones that buy the 1/2/3/4 thousand dollar cars... well most of them only get 20-25 mpg.

Then what the fuck about heating a house ? The retired folks around here now cannot afford it, they are dwindling their savings if they had one. The poor working class can not afford it either, everyone is getting further and further behind on their bills.

Then what about the school systems ? They heat and use gobs of diesel to get the kids to school and back. What... you think they are not going to pass that along to the people that are already financially backed into the corner ? Then what about the industries and business that operate on fuel ? Like the power company, phone companies, shipping, stores, construction... you name it... do you think they are not going to pass that along to the same already FUCKED people ?

We were not in charge, we did not create this system, we have only been along for the ride in the first place, doing what needed to be done to get by.

Whats going on here is a handful of people figured out a way to get every last available cent plus peoples savings accounts away from them. THe bulk of Americans revenue is now going to OPEC and the handful of "traders" who find themselves quite amusing. Its a good damn war on America and they will win it too, we are so fucked. That is what is wrong with the economy and we are soon going to be hitting times as bad as the great depression. These fucks running the stock exchanges, banks and governments know it and HAVE known it too.

Fucking most ignorant damn statement out there today... oh well you cant see it from your house... APPARENTLY
OR Im more focused on the larger point, this is putting millions in or beyond the poor house as the rest that cant see it from their house just carry on business as usual. All the alternate fuel in the world is not going to heat peoples houses or get our utilities and products to us. Now they know they can get the money and they will just keep grabbing and its perfectly legal. Turn to alternative fuel and they will simply meet the market price, no savings will come. Then I dont even want to get into the reality of "alternative" fuel. It would take a million acres of algae tanks to supply this country with its needs. Yeah, that will be cheap. Corn fuel is something like 70% as efficient as fossil fuel... so there goes your mileage, and that has actually increased our prices in the first place. Yet there is not enough acres to even possibly grow enough corn on. forget that its the largest depleater of fertile soil and the worst crop for errosion... wasnt flooding mentioned somewhere here recently. Its not our fault they continously consolidated or exported industry so we have to drive further for work and ship shit all over hells half acre to get it to market. Our government and corportions were behind the entire thing, its pissed many of us who were paying attention for decades, yet nothing could stop it... now look where we are. Its alot bigger than charge everyone $10 a gallon to teach US a lesson...... I guess we'll be fine as soon as we submit to becoming rice farmers and settle for living third world standards.

This thing is huge, dont underestimate the outcome or make light of how it came to be or its just some simple answer away to correct. it cant be corrected and the only answer is a reverse of the past 30 years, and that will not happen either. To much money to be lost for the powers that be so, the population will pay the price... and they will go on a nice long foreign vacation.
I think Steve nailed it.

We as a nation need to get off the "environmental" bandwagon we're on and protect ourselves. Hunt for oil and harvest it (there are plenty more sources than Alaska). That is our current life at the moment. Reasoning we should make our lives as tough as we can possibly make it as the attempt to get people off their dependence of oil products is asinine thought. Alternative fuels are and will continue to be developed. Their price points are no more attractive than $10/gallon gas at the moment. Why would we go there for relief when relief is not there yet?

That is all I will usurp the pic thread for. :lol: As proof, here's last year's Chinook growth (I hear they now use hops in clinical drug mixes).
Gotta clean out the garage to find the equipment, Zach.

I'm shooting for getting back on the horse in the fall though. Way too much house work to think about personal gratifications at the moment. Brewing is on hold...

But, I have some recipe ideas that will rock ass though. Plus an upgraded 10-gallon mash tun - I'll be looking to do an AB clone (hence the Chinooks growing in the backyard) and then delving into the abbeys. Gotta keep the brett. away from my conical though.

I intend to share, where possible.
Cool. well i might have to renew my interest and do some research.

One of the guitarists has been brewing mead for like 5 years (totally different, i know) and we're just waiting for a time to have a mead party night. That could be very good or very bad. Might have to grab some kick ass beers and a bottle of good tequila just in case the mead isn't as tasty as it should be.
What we need is to get off the fake environmental bandwagon and get on the sincere one. Like I mentioned in the other thread, and like others have mentioned here, alternative fuel isn't new. I believe it's been around since before Henry Ford, in fact. (The first electric was built in 1832). Energy companies have developed workable electric vehicles up to today's standard. Other companies have developed a gas rated at 91 octane from ecofriendly algae. These aren't the only solutions, but because we have an oil baron as president, and because people are stubborn to change, we will sit and grumble as the price of oil continues to rise, despite the fact that we have among us functional, viable, realized alternatives.
These aren't the only solutions, but because we have an oil baron as president, and because people are stubborn to change, we will sit and grumble as the price of oil continues to rise, despite the fact that we have among us functional, viable, realized alternatives.

You can throw the old guy, the old gal, the over ambitious first term senator, or God forbid, Ron Paul, into the oval office, and things won't change without either some kind of revolution (amongst the citizens), or some kind of major overhaul in our country's work habits and transportation system. Don't confuse hopelessness with being stubborn. :) I know a LOT of people who can't afford to change their transportation, and I don't see the government subsidizing fully, (or even a majority of) the price of a new fangled Algeamobile. None of the alternatives are a quick fix. I DO agree that SOMETHING has to be done, but I think it's giong to have to be rather sudden, & dramatic.
Works how with the current "infrastructure", Ken? What mods, if any (though I'm sure perhaps they claimed no modifications were done at all) were done to the 747? All the same, jet fuel is a wee different than car gas. Would pushing this stuff through my motor melt my block? :lol:
You can throw the old guy, the old gal, the over ambitious first term senator, or God forbid, Ron Paul, into the oval office, and things won't change without either some kind of revolution (amongst the citizens),

And what does history show us is the typical impetus for people rising up against their government? Though it may be almost impossible today to assemble a revolution of historic proportions, tough times are becoming more widespread. Which is why perhaps a few years of $10/gal gas prices might actually motivate some folks to organize rather than just sit idly by complaining about gas prices.