SilentRealm said:Id love it more if there were more good threads going on (ones that dont turn into flame wars!)
Well, there isn't and if you don't like it, screw you and your miserable little island were I have relatives!
SilentRealm said:Id love it more if there were more good threads going on (ones that dont turn into flame wars!)
Thraxz said:Well, there isn't and if you don't like it, screw you and your miserable little island were I have relatives!
Xenoslayer33 said:Hey Goth Fiend, I have that exact same blue/black Jackson guitar!! I love it!
goth fiend said:austrailia kicks ass, they have kangaroos! that and sydney is fucking awesome, I want to go there someday
MrFast said:Isn't Australia's circumference around the same size as the moon's?
MrFast said:I'd rather make fun of Australia for originally being an English prison than being a small island (Although IMO it's not small at all.)
Medusa's eyes said:
SilentRealm said:ok I just took this.. me with my glasses.. I look like such a dork lol - def. not sexy
raythetse said:seriously though, the glasses are good, they make a girl look like she doesn't care about trying to look hot. its like a confident brand of sexy. I like glasses anyway as long as they arn't the ones that look like they made form the bottom of beer and soda bottles.
goth_fiend said:thats cause silentrealm is the cats pajamas
Ptah Khnemu said:Australia > Many other countries in the world. It's the only country in the world that has a continent all to itself.