Lets have a pics thread :)

raythetse said:
seriously though, the glasses are good, they make a girl look like she doesn't care about trying to look hot. its like a confident brand of sexy. I like glasses anyway :p as long as they arn't the ones that look like they made form the bottom of beer and soda bottles.

That is the perfect description that probably every male here is thinking and did not know how to put into words, well I know for me anyway hehe..
Eternal Dragon said:
lol, the old US vs Canada thing eh. Can anyone tell me what thats all... ABOOT?? lol :lol: . Well I'd say canada is probably a great place cos they arent ruled by a fascist ape..... and there seems to be a lot of nice places there, but I guess I hear as much about canada as anyone else hears about aus, which is practically nothing. Our prime minister went there recently to provide sexual favours in return for nuclear power, but it didnt work cos he is too old.

are you talking baout the canada i live in? i didn't hear of any sexual favours...
MrFast said:
I'd rather make fun of Australia for originally being an English prison than being a small island (Although IMO it's not small at all.)

There's an old English joke about entering Australia:

"Do you have a criminal record?"
"Good heavens no! I wasn't aware one was still required."

Too bad I don't know any Finnish jokes about Australia. :erk:
Canada is a massive country...Not on population but in land mass! Canada has alot of nice places to see indeed, but so does the states... The only MAIN change that I wouldn't be able to live with is... Well A) Having Bush as a president... and B) Being hated by everyone from the middle east! Otherwise US of A would not bother me in the least!

But you know what they say...

"Red White and Blue...Red Neck, White Trash, Blue Collar!"
First off, Bush isn't a "fascist ape." He's a dumbass that got voted into office by almost a majority of voters. :p But since he also signs my checks, I should probably stop there... :loco:

proulxski said:
The only MAIN change that I wouldn't be able to live with is... Well A) Having Bush as a president... and B) Being hated by everyone from the middle east!

Trust me, proulxski, the Middle Eastern politicos hate Canadians just as much as they hate Americans.

As for why is there a US-Canadian "thing"... we're still sore that they didn't join us in the Revolution and gave the Brits a good place from which to launch the only successful assault on our capital (heck, they burned the White House to the ground!). Ever since then, we've been waiting for when they will least expect us to strike back. That day will come... :heh:

(just kidding - there's a US-Canadian thing for many reasons, but primarily because we both can take a joke) :)
I don't really have anything against the states, but I definitely would hate living there in fear of getting drafted by the army.

I'd rather kill some terrorists in CS than in RL.
MrFast said:
I don't really have anything against the states, but I definitely would hate living there in fear of getting drafted by the army.


There hasn't been a draft since Vietnam. And contrary to the political deception that went on during both Gulf Wars there hasn't been a draft since. Also, contrary to politics, military enrollment is consistently up.
Fossil Records said:

There hasn't been a draft since Vietnam. And contrary to the political deception that went on during both Gulf Wars there hasn't been a draft since. Also, contrary to politics, military enrollment is consistently up.
Yeah, but with the way Bush is governing the country it wouldn't surprise me that he would do so.
The military isn't as pushy as people seem to think. I was "harrassed" during lunch for a while by someone trying to get me to join the army (after he told me that I have multi-colored hair and that I have shrapnel in my lip(aka lip ring)), but I soon got crossed off their list of people to harrass and no one has bothered me since. As Fossil Records said, enough people are joining the military, so there's no need for a draft or even for trying to force people to join.
Fossil Records said:
Trust me, proulxski, the Middle Eastern politicos hate Canadians just as much as they hate Americans.

pretty sure this is true, its just the americans are the primary target since they are the ones that do all the bombing in iraq and afghanistan.

those hardcore extremist type governments in the middle east pretty much hate every westernized industrialized nation on earth.
raythetse said:
pretty sure this is true, its just the americans are the primary target since they are the ones that do all the bombing in iraq and afghanistan.

Majority? Yes. All? No.

Just to illustrate, here is a rundown of just one coalition force:



raythetse said:
those hardcore extremist type governments in the middle east pretty much hate every westernized industrialized nation on earth.

Unfortunately, this is very very true. :erk:

I didn't mean to derail the pic thread... sorry... :oops:
Fossil Records said:
First off, Bush isn't a "fascist ape."

I beg to differ :lol: ...
