Lets have a pics thread :)

Ret- said:

playing in a grassy field with your guitar unplugged is SOOOO :headbang: :kickass:
Thraxz said:
Anyone who thinks Bowling for Columbine sucked because the arguements contradicted each other, needs to learn some critical thinking and reasoning skills...

It's been about two years now since I saw the movie, so I don't remember all of it (I was too busy being shocked by how poor it was after all the hype about it).

What's the point of bringing K-Mart into the picture? Did they shoot the people? Did the kids go into K-Mart saying "I need some bullets to kill some kids at school."? Next time someone gets beat up by a Louisville Slugger, I guess I'll stop by the Wal-Mart headquarters and demand they stop selling baseball bats.

I remember him making a point about how there's more shootings in the US because more people have guns and access to them. But then he went on to talk about Canada and how they have a lot of guns, but not much major violence.

I could watch the entire thing again and write down all the contradictions and plain bad, baseless arguments, but I think I'd probably fall asleep like I did the first time (luckily I had it recorded on a DVR, so I could rewatch it...).
turke said:
You'll never ever see me :)

"Edit after i saw the next post:"

Post #555.
"Five, five five, the number of whatever (i don't know)" :p
Frank Zappa has a song called five-five-five.

No, not because of 666... But because it's written in 5/4 :D
Selppinevoli said:
I remember him making a point about how there's more shootings in the US because more people have guns and access to them. But then he went on to talk about Canada and how they have a lot of guns, but not much major violence.

I'm pretty sure the point that was trying to make, was that the fear Americans have of each other (minorities in particular) causes much of the violence, and not the fact that we own guns...thats a pretty important part of the movie (perhaps the most important), I don't understand why so many people miss that.
Or it could be too cold in Canada for the average person to go around shooting other people. :D

Or maybe Canadians think it better to actually work for their wages rather than steal them from somebody else.

I don't know that it's fear of other ethnic groups causing more shootings in America. Perhaps more along the lines of deep lines drawn between social classes and a lax punishment system. Bring back public executions and perhaps people will think twice before shooting/robbing/assaulting another person.
I didn't really mind either bowling for columbine or farenheit 9/11 - I agree that of course it's heavily opinionated and there are probably less inflammatory ways he could have got his points across, but his methods are good for getting people to start thinking critically which I think is the aim of releasing such controversial movies.

Particularly with the case of farenheit 9/11 the 'general public' seems to blindly believe what their leaders tell them, or naively think their leaders want the best for them when in fact the bottom line is pushing their own agenda (in most cases financial). At the very least I think he raised some important questions about Bush which hopefully will get many people that blindly followed him before to start being more skeptical about his motives.

As for Bowling for Columbine, Matt hit the point of that movie on the head, and I did find the cartoon in it rather amusing.
Yngvai X said:
I'm pretty sure the point that was trying to make, was that the fear Americans have of each other (minorities in particular) causes much of the violence, and not the fact that we own guns...thats a pretty important part of the movie (perhaps the most important), I don't understand why so many people miss that.

Na...he went on about this whole thing about the NRA, remember? Americans aren't the only people who have a fear of other races that causes violence. Look at the latest happenings in France (riots because two Muslim kids were electrocuted while running from the cops or whatever), Germany ("dark-skinned" people get randomly killed), all the violence that has occurred between different Muslim sects, whites vs blacks in South Africa or whatever that was...

It would be completely stupid to say Americans are alone or to even say we're more violent when it comes to people of other races, creeds, etc. So that point is completely bunk.

And then he tried to make some stupid point that violence in the media helps create a culture of violence. BS. Anyone who is influenced like that by the media is already messed up in one way or another.

Back in the middle ages, people didn't have TV and they didn't have guns, and the world was a more violent place than it is now. Maybe he should try to place the blame on human nature instead, that would be more plausible. Instead he feeds off of the whole anti-American sentiment and tries to turn this violence into an American problem.
I would like nothing more than to see Michael Moore hit by a large truck carrying something very heavy...Someone needs to give that guy a good kick, right in the shit-whistle! He's all about spin......

You know...His movies are alot deeper than what you assume to be 'Racial Attacks' on America!

What's the point of bringing K-Mart into the picture? Did they shoot the people? Did the kids go into K-Mart saying "I need some bullets to kill some kids at school."? Next time someone gets beat up by a Louisville Slugger, I guess I'll stop by the Wal-Mart headquarters and demand they stop selling baseball bats.

You just completely screwed yourself over with that one... "Did some Kids go into K-Mart saying I'm going to shoot some kid." Kids is the point, KIDS FUCKING KIDS where able to pick up ammunition from K-mart at a very affordable price! Moore was not trying to Say "Americains are more violent blah blah!" he was simply stating how easy it was to get the ammunition! They have gun license, and age bars for a reason! But apparently in the US at that current time id didn't apply.

Also if somsone beat someone witha baseball bat you go into wal-mart and get them taking out? Baseball is a sport, if its used as a weapon you have anger problems! However flesh piercing-life threatning bullets that go into a 'GUN' which primarily are not used for fun and games, but for either destruction or killing things (they can be used as security procotions as well but it still lets to destruction or Killing!) " Guns don't kill people-people kill people" rather wrong statement! Its more along the lines of..."Guns don't kill people-the idiot who sells ammunition to kids kills people!"

Moore has admited on many occasions his love for america... you should look deeper into his documentaries so you can see that its not some sort of personal vendetta saying America is the worse place on earth! After all he did live in the neighborhood where the Columbine shooting happened! If guns where easily accessed in other places around the world like they where in the US, than I promise you, many things would happen! And Don't exclude canada from that list, I know for a fact if some people who knew me had a gun they would of already like emptyed a whole clip in me!
J-Dubya 777 said:
I would like nothing more than to see Michael Moore hit by a large truck carrying something very heavy...Someone needs to give that guy a good kick, right in the shit-whistle! He's all about spin......

I would like nothing more than to see FPS Doug get a headshot on Michael Moore.
Ret- said:
You guys need to SHHH! and checkout my new pics on the page before this one :D
Being ignored sucks, so I would just like to say that I'm amazed at how curly your hair is; I've honestly never seen anything like that before. Also, I really like the color of your new guitar. :)

Oh yeah, and those pictures are a lot more metal than the ones with the flowers. :p
Lol...so what you're trying to do here is take the responsibility of the murders away from the people who committed them, and you want to place the plame (at least partially) on K-Mart??? That's insane. The gun was used irresponsibly, that's the plain and simple fact.

While we're at it, why don't we sue beer companies for every drunk driver that crashes. Beer, like guns, are fine when used responsibly. The problem is with the INDIVIDUAL, not the product.