Lets have a pics thread :)

Ptah Khnemu said:
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles anyone?..... Anyone at all?...... aww.
That sums up my childhood right there.

TMNT was so influencial to me that it was how I first understood the concept of time.

Me at like, 3 years of age: "Dad, how long 'till we arrive at grandma's?"
Dad:"2 Ninja Turtles"
Me: "Ok."

(2 ninja turtles = 2 episodes of ninja turtles = 1 hour.)
The TNMT movies are the most 80's movies ever made. Therefore, they are the m0st b3st3st movies ever made.
Ptah Khnemu said:
The TNMT movies are the most 80's movies ever made. Therefore, they are the m0st b3st3st movies ever made.

dude, TMNT was made in 1990..TMNT2 was in 1991, and the 3rd was 1993...

As far as the best 80's movies go:

Ghostbusters (THE 80's Movie)
Die Hard (1)
Big Trouble in Little China :headbang:
Silence of the Lambs :worship:
MM: Beyond Thunderdome
Return of the living Dead 1 & 2 (2 because it had the Michael Jackson Zombie in the end)
WTF is with this Snakes on a Plane shit? it isn't even out yet, and yet, somehow everyones talking about it, am I missing something? all the trailers look retarded, so does the storyline. Not to mention it wasnt made in the 80's..
yes but the decline of western civilazation part II was...

and thats all you need to know!

the snakes on a plan is a big joke and was orginally made to be with the intent of it being a thriller. but when the trailers came out it just turned into a joke.
Big Trouble in Little China :lol: I didn't know people still remembered that crap! What a weird movie.

While we're on the topic of movies - along with some of the others mentioned, Wayne's World (1 and 2), and Bill and Ted (1 and 2) are my personal all-time favorites.