Hahaha, nice $10 Wal-mart lamp Aaron

And the little lamps on the racks (which have a FUCKLOAD of stuff in them I might add, damn) look like great mood-setters! Just using Auralex LENRD's as your bass traps though, for shame!!
Actually it's a $10 Fred Meyer lamp dude, you're way off

It serves it's purpose though- after putting up a bunch of that pyramid foam (replacing white walls with a dark color), the room became way too dark (visually, not acoustically), even during the day. So, that silly lamp aiming light at the white ceiling does a pretty good job! As for the little lamps, I just added them about a week ago, and they're definitely good mood-setters, especially during mixing or during anything that's relatively chill. I contemplated getting some classier track lighting mounted to the ceiling, but I don't want to go too overboard since I'm still at my parents house...AND I'm hoping to buy a house within the next few months, since there are so many foreclosures going for prices that I can actually afford to get into. If the house happens, then it will mean I found one that will suit a studio quite well, which means things will get classier

At that point the plan will be to ease away from full time grocery store management/part time recording, into full time recording/part time grocery store cashier and really give recording the time I need to.
And as for bass traps, I actually feel quite confident in my ability to judge the low end in my current setup. There's a specific spot in the room I'll stand that makes it even easier to judge too. In the new house I'm going to make every accommodation possible/affordable for acoustic accuracy though, which would likely include the home made bass traps everyone talks about on here. They look pretty classy with the right placement and fabric!
I still don't fully understand why they stopped making the Tascam US2400..
It was something to do with the EU regulations on solder if i remember rightly... but that's still ghey!
I always thought it had to do with the lead content in the chassis of the thing, but I could be wrong. Definitely a strange thing for the EU to crack down on, though...
I got the US-2400 for $449 brand new on eBay about three months before Tascam discontinued them