Lets Talk About Random Shit Thread.

much better

Bull shit.



Last weekend was my 3rd move in 6 months, been internetless for a week...rough.

So to catch everyone up:
I saw the Machinist with Christian Bale, that was wicked.
So was King of New York with Christopher Walkin.

Thats pretty much it.
Last weekend was my 3rd move in 6 months, been internetless for a week...rough.

So to catch everyone up:
I saw the Machinist with Christian Bale, that was wicked.
So was King of New York with Christopher Walkin.

Thats pretty much it.

welcome back cliff
you didn't miss too much, just the self promoting guy (actually not trolling )
Give the scorpions a splash of tabasco sauce and i'll eat them. Anything is edible with tabasco.

I bought my dad and my brother two lolipops with a scorpion in each one for christmas. They are yet to eat them :/

Speaking of eating, Its 11:30 and Im hungry and my salmon is still cooking :(
Spent the whole night working on a vinaigrette, pretending to be an alchemist... only for it to all turn out garbage and waste my evening.

End of the week I should have a ballin' Asian, Pineapple Ginger Vinaigrette recipe :p
You'll should check this out.

Some dude trying to behold the world record of achiving 120 stars on Super Mario 64.

He's played for minimum 12h/day and as for now, he is on day 5 with almost 16½ hours played- and less than a minute from the actual record! (WR=1:47:47)


Some glitches.. ^^ Enjoy!
Cool stuff, and at least it's not rock/metal :p

Nothing is more annoying at a party than people turning on fucking rock or metal. People kept turning on fucking Dio, Scorpion and some other crap. Talk about mood killers :/
nah its not that bad when its nice stuff, though I enjoy "electronica" clubs way more than rock bars.
But Dio and Scorpion?! Seriously scorpions? I dont know about their reputation in norway but most of the people here wouldnt even admit that they like them (if they liked them)