life quality poll

i think my life at the moment is

  • shit

    Votes: 12 15.2%
  • ok

    Votes: 47 59.5%
  • great

    Votes: 20 25.3%

  • Total voters
Moved into the new place about a week ago. Only issue (aside from my dryer not being hooked up) is that there's old roach poop from a previous infestation. I noted it on the move-in inspection sheet, so it's documented. I thought I had cleaned most of it, but now I'm realizing that the crevices between the kitchen cabinets and walls, appliances, and countertops is THICK with it. So I put in a request tonight asking if they can at least pull out the appliances and clean in there. Sick and tired of cleaning it myself and it's disgusting. Otherwise, apartment is fancy and great!
They actually brought me a whole new dryer instead of hooking up the old one, which I did not expect at all. So we'll see how they handle this. Otherwise it really is a nice place, and just looking at it you wouldn't fathom the filth that's hidden. Someone before me apparently let bugs get out of control in the kitchen before doing something about it, and then neither the previous tenant nor management bothered to clean the aftermath very well.
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Maintenance came out yesterday to survey the roach shit in the kitchen and they were supposed to be back at 11am today to start cleaning. But my leasing guy called this morn and said he was going to discuss it with the property manager. I emailed him a video detailing it all. So I dunno, they may decide to just replace some stuff rather than clean. Whole kitchen needs to be ripped out and replaced imo.
Living the aftermath of this.

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Have ye tried laying down diatomaceous earth?

Just smother every inch of your kitchen with this shit. Its like stabbing the roach with a million micro knives. Slow killing, dipshits will take it byke to their breathren for a ripping good ole' time.

Also look into cy-kick. This is pretty much the same chemical the pest control cat is going to roll through with. (Kills scorpions, roaches have no chance.)

Together youre looking at 60 bucks. Plus ye can concentrate that ish into a mega dose.
There are ZERO bugs currently but the apt has been treated just in case. The poop is OLD. Anyhow, they're replacing the dishwasher and cleaning all the cabinet crevices on Monday. They're gonna check the condition of the other appliances' innards as well.
Know a fuck ton of people hooked up with thots for nigh a decade with begotten crotch fruit. One of which is in a comatose state due to Covid. Wife doesnt fuggin work and she's shitting bricks over it. Not a good situation if ye give af about your mate.

Dude's on his deathbed with days to live max. Pretty bummed by this even though we werent close in the least. Spent countless hours working alongside this fugg over the years. At first considered dude a douchebag papi chulo type. Over the past year or so he showed a ton of humility and opened up with family photos of his kids n wife whilst on vacation. Dude was planning other excursions before he came down with the vid.

Bleh, guess dude's been practically a vegetable for 4 months, so better off.
Life is short, with the people who give af even shorter.

Everyone was cracking jokes within the hour. (Not about him mind ye, but levity was back on the table.) Thats why we got to hold those dear to us as close as possible. Majority of friends and family dont give a shit if youre choking on your own vomit in a gutter. You'll be lucky to get a "aww schucks" if you were moderately swell.
Life is short, with the people who give af even shorter.

Everyone was cracking jokes within the hour. (Not about him mind ye, but levity was back on the table.) Thats why we got to hold those dear to us as close as possible. Majority of friends and family dont give a shit if youre choking on your own vomit in a gutter. You'll be lucky to get a "aww schucks" if you were moderately swell.
you need better friends and family, buddy
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Problem is I dont have any extended familial blood. Never met anyone from sperm donor's side, that discounts half right off the bat. Only got one flesh n blood relative.

Friends, if theyre too busy to holler or go out for a meal at 40, whats 70 look like? Non-existent. Lets just be a realist about the situation. If you got a vast circuit of bonds I commend ye. I would love to have some older relatives to visit and show some love towards. Anyone fitting this bill is long dead bubba.

Im sure many suffer the same lot. Even if one has a fuck ton of relatives, how many people have tight bonds that hold over the years? Not talking about 3-4 bbqs a year. Im talking people that would actually be impacted by one's passing if one were to keel.
Im sure many suffer the same lot. Even if one has a fuck ton of relatives, how many people have tight bonds that hold over the years? Not talking about 3-4 bbqs a year

That is actually a valid question. Since I moved back to ye olde countryside last year I haven't made any new "friend" nor reconnected with the few childhood acquaintances still lurking these parts, save for one dude. Covid sure didn't help in this respect but still. For now the family circle is mostly held together by the few old members with big houses who are still able to host gatherings, but in some years it will just be my cousin and I left in the area, and none of us have kids at 40+ but that's off topic. The point is I'm starting to realize that my non Internet human relationships routine will inevitably dwindle to almost nothing with time so maybe it would be a good strategic move to take up wife for real or join the local knitting club.

Considering this is the impact that lasts for any duration of time after we leave this mortal coil i'd say its rather disconcerting. I developed some good friendships that I still have 20+ years later. This is a rarity unto itself. I know plenty of people with ZERO friendships. This is oft a by product of marrying and having kids at a young age. Probably a better pursuit if one truly wants a tear shed in one's name. Why would anyone care about a forlorn tear? It symbolizes leaving an impact, making a difference upon another human being. I contest I got no tears lined up in friendly ducts. No matter how good these friendships may be, they never passed into a familial relationship. The potential was there, but life progressed in a way to set a drift.

Cousins, aunts, uncles, bbq dwellers, et al. Are these truly family that are impacted by your existence? Probably not, if anything a mere placebo to give the illusion that one is surrounded by loved ones. Any sorrow brought forth in their breast is just a reminder of their own mortality. Life goes on with one less plate at the Fourth of July BBQ. No biggy, meat is getting expensive.

That leaves one with just immediate family. Wife and kids. These are the people who will truly be dealt a blow across their breast. IF, and its a big iF youre not a shit bag. Im blessed to have a great marriage, but ill be damned if it doesnt take a heap of effort. How many out there put effort into marriage? I know a shit ton of philanderers. Hell a coworker I have legit clocks out and sprints 4 blocks to fuck a thot from another dept on his lunch break. This is more common than uncommon, the train will derail at some point. This carnal activity will leave a ton of longing come keeling. What has been built marriage wise for such ease of betrayal? This temple lies on quick sand.

Then there's kids. Another outlet to leave a lasting impression. How many people piss away this opportunity by being inactive in their childrens lives? Wiping their asses and lifting them to school means fuck all. One needs to have a constant dialogue and be an active parent. These blue haired freaks dgaf if their parents breathe. Perhaps only to the point where they themselves would have to get off their arses and fend for themselves.

I speak in broad strokes. RCers are a higher lot with loftier pursuits and depth to their marrow. Id wager everyone here has a few solid relationships. What I contest is that the vast swath of humanity has nothing but an empty familial facade, where very few give af if ye piss, shit, or breathe.
No matter how bad a day i have, as soon as I step into the gym, all the bullshit disappears.

Life is good these days. Kids, gym, work. And no drama.
Here gyms are closed since October 2020... And I gotta say it sucks.
On the other hand - I overdid sports a year ago and now I need a knee surgery or even both knees, gotta check the other one too, - and this sucks even more.
Not only there's no motivation to do any sports at home, but I also must be selective and careful about what kind of sports i do to not bring more damage.
I can empathize. I still go to the gym on a torn meniscusin my left knee. Every once in a while it tweeks and whoo boy here comes the pain
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Gyms are reopening here next Monday. I only go to use the treadmill, but I'll be glad to at least have the option if I'm not feeling running outside.
Has anyone heard from Jerry recently? Is he busy deleting all of his old posts or in hiding due to the current political/cultural climate? Boy, them old posts haven't aged well. :poo::poo::poo:

Which old posts? I'll bump them AGAIN!

Though I WILL temper some language on account that I dont want Deron to shut us down. If ye ever walked in my living room though, its unfiltered language that would make a 20 year old snowflake melt. I honestly dont care what people think of me. This is the most liberating thing. Words cant fooqin desrcibe it. Sure theres a handful of people who hold weight in my world. Majority however can rot if they dont care for my unfiltered disposition. I wont change for the world, as I dont need anything it has to offer in terms of human relations. Every human being I do need either accepts me for who I am, or is just as bad to a varying degree.

I mean I lost a 20 year long friendship last year over making an off handed comment about the game "Last of Us" having a tranny fuck scene. Yea I couldve stfu about it. But why have a friendship based on censorship and half truths?
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