Mars Volta

Jul 28, 2008
Ft Worth, TX
Okay, I've heard this name thrown around on a number of occasions, but I've never actually heard anything BY them. I've heard both positive remarks about them and negative remarks....everything from they are the best out there when it comes to progressive they are just completely silly and nobody who knows anything about music should even waste their time.

So how about it? Any Mars Volta opinions out there? Are they good or not? I'm a fan of many differnet genres, but when it comes to rock, I like Opeth (Duh), Symphony X, Dream Theater, Katatonia, King's X, Kamelot etc etc. You get the idea. Above all, I like extremely profficient musicianship, excellent arangements and really good lyrics. Is Mars Volta something that would appeal to me? What would be the best album to start off on? The one that would make me want to go out and get more?

Yeah I reckon the Mars Volta might appeal to you..personnally, I think the best album to start out on would be either Frances The Mute or The Bedlam In Goliath, though I'm sure many would say De-Loused In The Comatorium
Definetly give them a try - it's not really in debate whether they are good at what they do.... they don't really appeal to me... but thats not because they are bad :D
Definetly give them a try - it's not really in debate whether they are good at what they do.... they don't really appeal to me... but thats not because they are bad :D

Actually, I think I know exactly what you are getting at. :-) I could probably name half a dozen bands that, although they are good at what they do, what they do just doesn't appeal to me. :-)

Thanks for the suggestions, guys. I think I may check out Bedlam and / or Deloused and see what I think. I actually like taking a chance and plopping down cash for something new. Sure, there's a chance that it might suck. Or you may find something that totally and completely changes your world. What's life if you can't take a chance or two?:goggly:
I go on and off them. For a while I'll listen to them regularly then pass on them for a year. Good band, but I seem to go through doses then major breaks. Like Bedlam when it came out in mid jan I listened to it every few days and now I haven't spun it since mid Feb. I'm a big prog head so I quite like them, but they aren't amazing, their first is their best iyam.
if you like crazy music, then you'll like these guys. Frances the Mute was all over the place, some parts even sounded like they were just jamming and improvising, but it's still one of my favorite albums. I'd probably start with De-Loused though. these guys are great.
I used to be a big fan of these guys until I saw them live a few years ago. During that performance the band started bashing the crowd for "slam dancing" and then started complaining that the venue being built on ancient Native American land, which totally killed the mood of what was a fun festival up until that point. After a few songs people in the crowd threw a few things on stage, which upset the band even more, which led to them leaving the stage early. That performance (if you can call it that) really put a bad taste in my mouth and I've had trouble enjoying the band ever since. They acted like spoiled bratty rockstars.

To answer the thread starter's question, I'd start with De-Loused, it's their best album.
I like all their cds a lot, but I'd definitely say Frances the Mute is the best. Really great band.
Definitely one of my favourite bands! All their albums are great, it depends what you want. Deloused and Bedlam are a lot more focused in terms of songwriting, but Frances and Amputechture are a bit more experimental and proggy. All of their albums are great, but my personal favourites would be Frances the Mute and The Bedlam in Goliath...both absolute masterpieces, tho Bedlam took a bit to grow on me. Deloused in the Comatorium might be the best place to start, as its probably their most accessable album.

Oh and if you get a chance to see them live, don't pass it up. Absolutely mindblowing! I've seen them 4 times so far, and they truly get better and better each time.
my mates big on them, i like them too. i also like the guitarists solo stuff on his myspace
Love the band. Live they are pricks, complaining about the audience the venue and so. Apart from that they rule live, well almost because don't buy the live record, it sucks.

My favorite is De-Loused In The Comatorium and next is The Bedlam in Goliath.

Frances the Mute is also very good but I find that they sometimes get lost in the songs that drags on forever with supposedly no meaning. But is also contains some of their best songs.
I think they're very noisy, in an ambient way, I mean, which I don't really care for. But the songs that are written around the noise are awesome. The guitarist is amazing if you love Greg Ginn of Black Flag (and who doesn't? Oh lots of people? Well fuck them).