Martin Lopez: What's he up to?


They wear white for me
Sep 10, 2006
San Diego
Has anyone heard ANYTHING about what the man is up to now? He had to leave the band for health reasons, and that's about all I've heard. Anyone?
I'm afraid I'm not seeing anything helpful, mostly Lopez vs. Axe fanboyism. Can you link me to whatever thread you're referencing?

The first is essentially a Morgen Ågren thread, the second is just asking for a good example of Lopez' drumming, the third is ridiculed with no real discussion, next is about what cymbals he uses, the next is predates his being replaced, and the last is just silly. I'm looking through more but I don't see anything. Maybe I'm missing a big thread (and I'll feel stupid if I am), but it doesn't look like there's much that's been told about where he went or what he's doing now. I don't mean to be a whiny bitch about it, but it's not very useful to bump one of those topics either.
you're not missing anything, I guess it's just that no one knows what he's doing. even Mikael said he hasn't talked to him in a while
here we go again ... in one of those threads I adressed this before and was flamed by some people for stating it once again and I predicted this sort of thread would come up again in a couple of weeks ... I was right!
so, for you and for all the followers in the coming months who will be refered to the search function and will maybe end up in this thread:

We have NOT heard anything more than you have. If someone would have than you would have known about it! They even said themselves that any further projects from Martin Lopez would be mentioned on the official Opeth website ...
we all wonder, but no one knows. This means only ONE THING: whatever he is up to now is not something public, so it is NONE OF OUR BUSINESS. Once he does something musically and he is ready to go public with it, it will be reported on various places! So stop making these kind of threads.

Owkey, up to the next Lopez thread in about 3 weeks ...
whatever he is up to now is not something public, so it is NONE OF OUR BUSINESS. Once he does something musically and he is ready to go public with it, it will be reported on various places! So stop making these kind of threads.

Well dude, it's an Opeth board. We discuss and speculate. If nothing's been said elsewhere and there's nothing to report, there's nothing to get so fucking worried about either - no one's calling for spying or anything like that. Maybe Mikael has an answer and will provide his glorious deus ex machina thread resolution (and the thread will still go on for a few pages in discussion of that). How absurd that you claim this thing as none of our business, when an artist we love and miss disappears for medical reasons. So yeah, that's unwelcome on an Opeth board? But endless Lopez vs. Axe isn't? :erk:
Well dude, it's an Opeth board. We discuss and speculate. If nothing's been said elsewhere and there's nothing to report, there's nothing to get so fucking worried about either - no one's calling for spying or anything like that. Maybe Mikael has an answer and will provide his glorious deus ex machina thread resolution (and the thread will still go on for a few pages in discussion of that). How absurd that you claim this thing as none of our business, when an artist we love and miss disappears for medical reasons. So yeah, that's unwelcome on an Opeth board? But endless Lopez vs. Axe isn't? :erk:

Am I really writing Chinese?? Am I dealing with morons??
Like I said last time: of course one can ask this or discuss this, but not every fucking 3 weeks with the same fucking sentences and questions! I'm just pointing out that the guys posting and "discussing" this seem to be living in a time vortex ... it's the exact same thing every 3 weeks!

and yes indeed, whatever Lopez is doing now is none of our business. whatever anyone in Opeth (and Lopez isn't in Opeth anymore) does is none of our business as long as they don't inform us about it ...
you can discuss the greatness of Lopez all you want, you can talk hours about what he did with Opeth or even outside of Opeth musically, I know I can ... but why the fucking hell do we have to read the exact same thread again every couple of weeks?????
Or do you guys really think that no one ever thought about how Lopez is doing now and that you are a fucking genius in originality to ask this???
Use the SEARCH function, read through it, and make the conclusion that no one knows, everyone wonders, but that we will only know when something more official is told!

Oh well, flame me now, think that I'm an arrogant son of a bitch, I don't care ... I'm sick and tired of dealing with stupidity, but oh wait, 99% of humankind is stupid.
Am I really writing Chinese?? Am I dealing with morons??
Like I said last time: of course one can ask this or discuss this, but not every fucking 3 weeks with the same fucking sentences and questions! I'm just pointing out that the guys posting and "discussing" this seem to be living in a time vortex ... it's the exact same thing every 3 weeks!

and yes indeed, whatever Lopez is doing now is none of our business. whatever anyone in Opeth (and Lopez isn't in Opeth anymore) does is none of our business as long as they don't inform us about it ...
you can discuss the greatness of Lopez all you want, you can talk hours about what he did with Opeth or even outside of Opeth musically, I know I can ... but why the fucking hell do we have to read the exact same thread again every couple of weeks?????
Or do you guys really think that no one ever thought about how Lopez is doing now and that you are a fucking genius in originality to ask this???
Use the SEARCH function, read through it, and make the conclusion that no one knows, everyone wonders, but that we will only know when something more official is told!

Oh well, flame me now, think that I'm an arrogant son of a bitch, I don't care ... I'm sick and tired of dealing with stupidity, but oh wait, 99% of humankind is stupid.
Shit dude, I can understand your argument, but it's pretty obvious from the title of the thread what it's I submit a very obvious question: If it bothers you so much, why open it in the first place?