Youve missed my point, but yes I do think the bigger named bands do have on the whole more influential records ( maybe not better than these obscure bands) . And I am a bit of a hypocrite myself, as I listen to alot of obscure metal, especially doom ( just not these obscenely obscure death metal and black metal bands that sell maybe 1,000 copies).
It is obvious I am fighting a losing battle here, as no one is supporting me. Everyone on this board likes being able to rattle off obscure death metal bands to prove how smart they are. I suppose I am just going to have to accept this. My other losing battle, is to fight against people constantly quantifying metal into best of lists, etc. That hasnt been going well either.
Thus, I must raise the white flag, and accept these two behaviors.
But in the future, please for the sake of myself and others, provide reasons why these obscure bands are good instead of just listing them.
Oh by the way, can anyone recommend me the best graveland release? I have their early stuff, which i dont care for due to the even worse than darkthrone style production. And Fullmoon, which eveyone was talking about, was almost inaudible. I dont now if this was intentional, or I got a poorly ripped copy, and I dont care how brilliant the composition is, I cant listen to something that poorly produced.