
Some pop artists do write their own material. Not so much these days, but it does happen...

Yeah, but it shouldn't be an 'unusual' thing for artists to write their own music. How many metal bands do you know that have their music written for them (aside from black-metal, which is obviously written for the band by their 5yrold children)??
Originally posted by Hellion

Do the words stuck up pompous arrogant twat mean anything to you? Don't think you are better or more intelligent than anybody else just because you happen to not like pop music and listen to more mentally challenging music.

well, i don't see discussions of religion and schools of ancient greek philosophy and various et ceteras at any pop forums, do you?
Originally posted by Trapped
I don't even say that i listen to 'metal', even thought i am a devowed metalhead at heart... If the musicians are doing their 'own thing', and it works out awesomely, such as Days of the new, or The Tea Party, then i will love the band... wether it is metal or not.

Metal is spirit to me...
I agree with Trapped, DOTN has the metal spirit as far as I'm concerned.
Originally posted by saturnix

well, i don't see discussions of religion and schools of ancient greek philosophy and various et ceteras at any pop forums, do you?

I still don't think that gives you any right to generalise. Get over your superiority complex people and take your head out of your arses.
Originally posted by Hellion

I still don't think that gives you any right to generalise. Get over your superiority complex people and take your head out of your arses.

I completely agree with you. Don't you think it's time to stop that "we're-so-much-better-and-smarter-than-any-other-music's-fans" attitude? There are smart and stupid people everywhere and don't tell me that every metal fan spends all his time analyzing the impact of Aristoteles in modern day philosophy or the pros and cons of being a budhist. Believe me I've met quite a few metal fans who couldn't discuss a more serious matter than the next football game even if their life depended on it. I think I'll go listen to that deeply philosophical band now. What's their name? Ah yes, Cannibal Corpse....
For me, metal has to be fast and hard. Metal tends to be far more complex and technical than most popular music, like alterative and pop, at least good metal is. But this spirit is also true of classical, jazz and many other types of music.
There are smart and stupid people everywhere and don't tell me that every metal fan spends all his time analyzing the impact of Aristoteles in modern day philosophy or the pros and cons of being a budhist

*dribble, snort*
For me metal is first of all about the spirit.

It's hard to actually define what "metal-spirit" is. You may say it has to be dark, others may say it's about death, voilence, demons and gods (light 'n happy stuff...) - but in the end you'll never find any particular area, issue, mood or attitude which can fit every one of the undisputed classic metal bands.

When trying to think of a definition for metal, I think the only common base you can come up with for all sub-genres categorized together under the name METAL is history. The sound of metal has evolved for more than three decades, pushed forward by thousands of bands; naturally, the whole process was led by a relatively small group of popular and semi-popular bands (like Led Zeppelin, Deep Purple, Black Sabbath, Judas Priest, Metallica, Death, etc.), but the other bands' part in preserving and developnig this unique sound is great too. Every metal band has been inspired - directly or indirectly - by these leading bands. Usually - but not necessarily - this influence is easily detected when listening - you can smell (hear) it from miles away. A metal band's abition, usually, is to continue "practicing this tradition" in some way or another.

Next time on our show: metal churches and monasteries, priests and monks.

Originally posted by bleed for me
this is sort of wondering from the topic but what i'm trying to say is that when you say extreme, think of both sides of the musical spectrum

Music in general is all about contrasts: creating tension and leading to climax, and then letting it go and calming down for a while. In metal you often have fast shifts of that kind. What goes up to the highest must go down to the lowest in order to keep it well-balanced. Opeth's music, for example, is beautifully balanced.