Metallica - One

Zephyrus said:
I noticed that it is likely the most popular mainstream rock radio song with distinct double-bass drumming.

It does have double bass, probably the most kicking Lars has ever done in his life.

This was, of course, right around the Master/Justice time when they still had a few balls between them and tried to make great songs instead of great piles of money.

One was a great song, but can you say "played"? I knew you could... :Smug:
Death225 said:
It does have double bass, probably the most kicking Lars has ever done in his life.

This was, of course, right around the Master/Justice time when they still had a few balls between them and tried to make great songs instead of great piles of money.

One was a great song, but can you say "played"? I knew you could... :Smug:

Dyers eve had some kick ass double kick in it as well :headbang:

One fucken rocks - dont diss it :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass:
Death225 said:
It does have double bass, probably the most kicking Lars has ever done in his life.

This was, of course, right around the Master/Justice time when they still had a few balls between them and tried to make great songs instead of great piles of money.

One was a great song, but can you say "played"? I knew you could... :Smug:

Yeah you are right. It's the most technical Lars ever got. Which sadly isn't saying much heh. The only other piece that sticks out to me that is somewhat technical is a part in The Thing That Should Not Be. Other than that he uses/reuses every beat he ever came up with. Sounds good, but is really easy to play.
I still like older metallica and think one is a great metal song.

Classic radio rock,etc.. stations actually play some good music. This is for the person who said fuck the radio stations

I was listening to classic radio station one day and they played 3 sabbath songs and judas priest. I remember hearing some good music but have no idea who the bands are. I was born in 87 so was not around listening to music during the 70's and what not. It's weird how some older music has so more more musical value, traditionalism than current music. Times change so fast.

A lot of older bands are more musically advanced with chord progressions and scales, not just chugging on an e string but actually really play there instruments very well which is unheard of now in a lot of music.
around here we have a classic rock station with every sunday dedicated to psychadelia from 1965-75. kinda cool. then we have the top40 rock kinda station. i don't know what the college stations offer, but i never really listen.

on MuchMusic theres some show called Loud which played a few oldschool metal songs last time I watched, incl. Armored Saint, Twisted Sister, Exodus i think, dunno. wasn't all that bad except that the 80s bands looked as hilarious as you'd expect!
ender7227 said:
Excuse me for having a real, educated opinion. Radio over the air only cares about what is popular,and there will never be enough people in one city to have an extreme radio staion, period. Satellite radio isn't much better. They do some cool stuff but mostly hire people who have no idea what is good, underground, or what would get subscribers listening. Same problem with music TV. Ain't never gon' happen, paw.

Solution: Don't listen to the radio
can't there be a simple Metallica thread? it seems a bit strange haveing one devoted soley to One...
metal paddy said:
there are no metal radio stations:kickass: :kickass: in england dudes:kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass:

Since KNAC went off the air, there's none in Los Angeles, either. :mad: One of the reasons I'm glad I have satellite radio. At least there's SOME new Metal to listen to that I can stomach.

The Greys said:
Classic radio rock,etc.. stations actually play some good music. This is for the person who said fuck the radio stations

I was listening to classic radio station one day and they played 3 sabbath songs and judas priest. I remember hearing some good music but have no idea who the bands are. I was born in 87 so was not around listening to music during the 70's and what not. It's weird how some older music has so more more musical value, traditionalism than current music. Times change so fast.

A lot of older bands are more musically advanced with chord progressions and scales, not just chugging on an e string but actually really play there instruments very well which is unheard of now in a lot of music.

Let me tell you a story...

Having grown up through the 70's and 80's, I can tell you that during the 1970's, AM radio was much like FM is today - if it wasn't within the Top 40, it probably wasn't being played. FM radio was still a new format and they were still trying to attract listeners to the band (FM stations were being sold ridiculously cheap). The playlists were much more eclectic and varied. Somewhere in the 1980's, the radio programmers started pandering to the marketing sensibilities of advertisers and came up with the theory that certain music audiences purchase certain products. Diversity began to disappear and different formats began to become increasingly strict. Listen to Classic Rock radio stations for any length of time, you're going to find it's the same bands being played ad infinitum, just like any other FM station.

As to the playing skills of some of the newer bands, there are those who do show some technicality; however, some of the newer bands seem to have the same easily interchangeable singer/vocalist, as well as similar sounding guitar set up. There's becoming fewer defining elements with the newer Metal bands, it seems.