Michael Romeo. Guitar God?

RobbM said:
Yeah, they are, and not to mention there just copys of these, just with a bunch of gothy crap put on em and 3x the price and (probably) 1/2 the quality.....hmmm, sound familiar? *cough* hot topic *cough*


Actually, my New Rocks are extremely high quality. I've had em for about a year now and wear em just about every day. Built extremely well.

And no, you can't get them at Hot Topic...they're too well made for hot topic ;)
Metalman7983 said:
i always thought of dressing a certain way to show your metal is pretty lame if anything its un-metal. especially now when 12 year old teeny boppers girls where spikes and chains, boots and spike their hair all that goth/metal shit just lame to me. if im the only 1 i will shut up lol

Well, obviously different "subcultures" have different styles of dress attached to them, and sometimes people involved in those subcultures gravitate towards those kinds of clothing. Its only being a poser if the only reason you do it is to be "cool." If you honestly and truly enjoy dressing a certain way, theres nothing poserish about it, its just you being you. that goes for anyone who likes to dress goth, metal, punk, preppy, whatever.
Wow... i never thought i would see the day where true metalheads called New Rocks tacky. What ever happened to the metal spirit? And since when was it ok for ANY metalhead (prog or otherwise) to have short hair?

Call me elitist or retarded, but you gotta look the part to be fucking metal. And those boots kick ass... mine are nicely broken in and still are holding up very nicely.
well, some of the more plain models arnt that tacky, but the really over the top ones are, with all spikes and skulls and flames. at least there well made.
I still cant justify spending $250+ though...
You guys are so funny. You don't have to look like anything to be metal..you just have to love the music, bottom line. And you sure as hell don't have to wear dorky boots that look like a mix of really bad motocross boots, & something KISS would wear..LOL. I'd fall over laughing if MJR wore crap like that..ROFL.
Jax said:
You guys are so funny. You don't have to look like anything to be metal..you just have to love the music, bottom line. And you sure as hell don't have to wear dorky boots that look like a mix of really bad motocross boots, & something KISS would wear..LOL. I'd fall over laughing if MJR wore crap like that..ROFL.

how DARE you Jax, insinuating that the love of music is all you need! May the metal gods smite you!

ODIN! RIDE ONWARD FROM VALHALLA UPON SLEPNIR AND SMITE JAX FOR HER BLASPHEMY! Either that or get her a kick-ass pair of boots. I'm sure that her comments stem only from jelousy :loco:
1. Michael Romeo is a phenomena. Beside awesome technique and emotion, he writes stuff that makes me chill everytime I hear them and he truly is a source of inspiration, not just to guitarists, but to everyone who likes Sym X..

2. White shoes is the shit. Black stretch jeans and a pair of Nike Classic is more metal then those silly robot-boots will ever be.. It's like the a motorcycle jacket vs a leather coat a la Matrix. Beer vs Red Bull. Classic 80's walkman vs ipod. Records vs Mp3s.. That list can go on forever.. :cool:
DoomsdayZach said:
how DARE you Jax, insinuating that the love of music is all you need! May the metal gods smite you!

ODIN! RIDE ONWARD FROM VALHALLA UPON SLEPNIR AND SMITE JAX FOR HER BLASPHEMY! Either that or get her a kick-ass pair of boots. I'm sure that her comments stem only from jelousy :loco:

:lol: :tickled: :lol:
now leather pants are a whole different animal, but lets face it: white tennis shoes just dont go with anything, its the main factor used when making fun of tourists.
HEY..show some friggin respect. Would you walk into MJR's living room & tell him he's fat? Yeah, I didn't think so..so don't do it here either. Talk shit about wardrobe all you want, but talking shit about weight or other things that may be out of someone's control is junior hugh pettiness & isn't welcome here.

Carry on.