Michael Romeo. Guitar God?

Jaen said:
now leather pants are a whole different animal, but lets face it: white tennis shoes just dont go with anything, its the main factor used when making fun of tourists.

Infallible way to pick out the tourists here. That, and walking around with a bigass map in hand.

Hopefully I'll be seeing Exodus on my birthday so what they'll be wearing should be interesting.
Jax said:
HEY..show some friggin respect. Would you walk into MJR's living room & tell him he's fat? Yeah, I didn't think so..so don't do it here either. Talk shit about wardrobe all you want, but talking shit about weight or other things that may be out of someone's control is junior hugh pettiness & isn't welcome here.

Carry on.
:ill: Woah.... Umm.. okay?

I didn't offend him did I? If so, then I apologize for that. But I'm fat... :erk:

- I'm A Little Intimidated
Beelzebub said:
"It's called a carry-all!" </seinfeld>

Edit: Metal guys really need to stop with the fanny packs.

Hey! lol

I pretty much only use mine at Prog Power. I normally wear sweats during the earlier part of the days there and have no place to put my camera, smokes, wallet etc. You're just saying that because you can carry a PURSE!

I do have a friend who calls them "fag bags" :Spin:

the only reason I have had for using a fag bag, err, I mean a fanny pack was when I hosted yard sales and flea markets...cause its just easier than carrying around a cash register...
It's a pain in the ass not to have a purse. I refuse to carry one, so I know what it's like to be a guy (at least in that respect). Most of my pants have big pockets, but when I wear a skirt, I usually have to stick my money in my gloves or whatever, which is a pain. So I can sympathize with people who feel the need to wear fanny packs.
I got a kickass purse two years ago. The only stuff I carry around in it are essentials: wallet, keys, chapstick (my lips hurt real bad!), pen and that's about it. I don't take it everywhere with me all the time. Sometimes I just shove cash in my pocket and leave the door unlocked. It's not 1985 anymore so fanny packs look tragically unhip/hilarious.
lol I wouldn't use those boots for fishing, id use them for walking on the moon for god sakes lol!... Speaking of gods, yes Michael Romeo is one, allthough I am the athiest of athiests lol!

Funny story, when you where younger ever been to churches (like sunday school) witha buddy and you listening to all this 'Jesus Christ' stuff and you're like... "this can't be real!"
Leave the religious people alone. I'm not one of them, but they should be able to believe in whatever they want. Also, I think that we should change the topic (or go back to the original one) before this turns into an argument.
Phanto said:
on the last pic he doesn't have the Symph x logo on his guitar. or is it not the same?

He's gut at least 6 guitars
some of them don't have the logo...(like the blue one...)
I'd bet there are more metalheads who wouldn't be caught dead in those things than there are those who own them.. :lol:
RobbM said:
if they wern't so gothy and flashy I would get a pair..

They're actually not as gaudy as they look in the photos. This is the pair I own:

And you can see how they look in this pic:

I get nothing but "hey man those are some cool fuckin boots!" whenever I wear em, even by "non metal" people that happen to see me wearing them. And I don't tuck my pants into the calf part, which I guess makes them look a bit more "normal" than they'd appear to be just from seeing them.