Mikael on Ihsan's solo album

MrJack said:
yeah my friend got it too he said it was pretty good. course, he listens to lots of shit (like british rap) and doesn't really like opeth... oh well.

speaking of leaking/new albums, is it true that Deftones has a new album in the works? if anyone knows, I don't think so but I was wrong about KMFDM too.

oh and who here has read lords of chaos? thats got a thing about faust in it if my memory serves me correctly. they're making a movie of it too!

I have Lords of Chaos. Great book, any fan of metal should buy it.

The movie is already made as far as I know, and it's only in Norwegian.
Powers said:
That was really good, had it not clearly been Ihsahn on vocals I would have doubted it was at song of his, but it's still well cool.

for some reason this track reminds me for devin townsend ... thats good thing :) still seems rather odd.
Punctured said:
I have Lords of Chaos. Great book, any fan of metal should buy it.

The movie is already made as far as I know, and it's only in Norwegian.

oh cool. not the norweigan bit... english subtitles perhaps?

i find this album to be amazing. There is a section in song 3 with awesome piano/guitar melodies. Reminded me a bit of Sham Mirrors (Arcturus...)....very versatile album and it's heavy!! Asgeir is once again kicking ass behind the drums, you got something to look forward to guys!

New Enslaved (Ruun) is wicked too