Mikael the comedian

Kerry King said:
At the Toronto show in October, some chick was crowd surfing and after TBOTH, Mike took the mic and said...
"So the shows sold out tonight I heard.... (crowd goes insane)...
You guys are great...........(more applaus)
especially that chick, shes fucking awesome.... and I got to see her snatch!"

haha that chick was fucking hilarious with her skirt and orange panties haha.:OMG:
Godhead's Lament said:
Back at the Montreal show in October, someone threw a baseball cap on stage and Mikal picked it up and put it on. Peter seemed quite amused by it. I even have a picture of that somewhere. Then he takes it of and says "My head is not shaped for these kinds of hats and threw it back.

Found the picture!

awesome, i wish i did that, it would be an honor to have mikael wear my hat.

Oh, and Peter laughs every now and then. He just isnt that "Mikaelish" i guess. He smiles a lot though.

And on the Lamentations dvd "Making of D&D" there was a part where mikael was recording a part and Peter kept on doing the pitch harmonic for mike and they both were cracking up a lot lol. (so, ya, he does have a funny bone...just not a big one)
Mr. Bland said:
awesome, i wish i did that, it would be an honor to have mikael wear my hat.

Oh, and Peter laughs every now and then. He just isnt that "Mikaelish" i guess. He smiles a lot though.

And on the Lamentations dvd "Making of D&D" there was a part where mikael was recording a part and Peter kept on doing the artificial harmonic for mike and they both were cracking up a lot lol. (so, ya, he does have a funny bone...just not a big one)

:Spin: :tickled:
Mr. Bland said:
awesome, i wish i did that, it would be an honor to have mikael wear my hat.

Oh, and Peter laughs every now and then. He just isnt that "Mikaelish" i guess. He smiles a lot though.

And on the Lamentations dvd "Making of D&D" there was a part where mikael was recording a part and Peter kept on doing the pitch harmonic for mike and they both were cracking up a lot lol. (so, ya, he does have a funny bone...just not a big one)

Maybe he's just shy.:)
At the show in Latham, NY between songs someone in the crowd shouted, "Get funky Mike!"

Mike replied with, "Get funky!?" and played a little diddy on the guitar which made the crowd erupt in laughter. After it settled down he said, "Alright. Swedish dudes do not get funky."

And after they played Bleak Mike gave the crowd a Death Metal screaming warm-up then said, "Well that was completely pointless because this next song is a cock-rocking ballad." Then they played "In my Time of Need."

After "In my Time of Need" Mike told us that we sang so well that he wet his pants.
Tyraz said:
In Utrecht he demanded the audience to answer 3 questions correctly, else they would leave out the last song. The three questions were 1) what is the name of Iron Maiden's bass player, 2) what was Iron Maiden's first record called and 3) how do you say Iron Maiden in turkish. He found that 3) was too hard and changed it from turkish to swedish.

Hahaha, I was there.

Random guy in audience: OPETH RUUUUUUUULES
M: Thank you, baby. *winks*
at the vancouver show last october, mike kept asking us "does our music make you horny?!" haha. also, at one random moment the bassist started playing bass lines from micheal jackson's "billy jean" but i can't remember why haha. anyhow, he's hilarious!
Haha okay so I was in the front row at the Cincinatti show sunday night, and Mikael was pretty hilarious, I kept yelling how I wanted to fuck him (joking) and he gave me this funny face. And the Manowar comments and trivia were great. For the trivia, he asked what the Manowar symbol was (I didn't really understand what he meant by symbol because I was thinking of some kind of logo on an album cover or whatever), what was their first album? (got that one right. Battle Hymns, of course.), and the last one was who is thier bass player, although he said the answer and really just commented about how Joey Demaio fucks everyone he can get his hands on haha. Anyways, I now love Mikael even more than I did before.
Don Corleone said:
just out of curiosity, you're a boy or a girl?

Why is it that turkish people always are the ones that think i'm a female... I have not once had anyone think I was female other than turks. I'm seriously not kidding... I got all these random people from turkey that added me on MSN and kept telling me I was the hottest girl theyd ever seen, hahaha... I don't even know where they got my MSN address... Most of them could hardly even speak English... I found it very strange...