MJR's opinion about nu-metal

Not that I want to become involved in this quite entertaining discussion, and without agreeing or disagreeing with this lengthy post, I'd just like to pick up on one point, and point out that in music there is always a time signature, and no matter how odd it may be, it still constitutes as a rhythm, it's just not a common or orthodox rhythm... However it still makes a rhythm, no matter how small each repeating section is, or even if it doesn't repeat at all, it is still some kind of rhythm, and is most definately still music... :)

music at 1 bpm is "music" but its not really music in all honesty is it...
2 Things. First of all, i still strongly disagree with the guy sitting in front of a piano and not playing anything being progressive. It's more digressive. one can argue that it's art (like the shit in the jar example someone brought up a while ago in another thread), though even that is debatable. I'd say it's more live art than progressive. Actually, i'd say it's retarded :lol: but mroe inclined to argue it's "art" than progressive music.

2nd, i want to see haggard :( Can't wait for their new disc.

even "art" is pushing it, i'd call it a bad joke gone too far. He was probably having a bad day on the writing front and just thought, "why even write, why not just sell silence, people are dumb enough" and 4:33 was born. If I ever find someone with that song on their ipod they will be impaled upon my jackson at record speed.
my problem with everything you've been saying is that you're like Stace in his defense of his freewill thesis: you define your own version, and then pass it off as the same thing we're debating. your version of music. your version of the word progressive, your version of prog. basically, you're arguing via your own opinion, which cannot be supported because it doesn't translate.

earlier i called this equivocation. let's give an example: if i say 'blue' means a particular shade of electromagnetic radiation in the visible spectrum, i cannot then use that definition of 'blue' to describe an emotion termed 'blue'. same word. different meaning. in fact it's actually a different word with the same spelling. there may be a relationship between the two words (in this case, the feeling of sadness we describe as 'blue' is associated with the color because of certain aesthetic symbols and ideas) however this relationship again does not imply equality. there are cases where 'blue' does not fit the other 'blue', and vice versa. the reason the two share the same spelling is because one was named after the other, when people discovered (or created) the connection between them for those cases they were looking at. you're doing this with 'prog'/'progressive' and now with 'music'/'music'. it's a logical fallacy and i'm done even replying to it.