Most hated band poll

Picking one is harder than I thought. Mostly the line of crap that Disney produces. My son is lucky to have a dad like me to show him what cool really is. ;)
C'mon, Kristen. Shame on you as a musician to say you hate Dylan and the Dead. Hate is a bit harsh... What is it about them that you hate? Do you at least detect the talent in the art?
C'mon, Kristen. Shame on you as a musician to say you hate Dylan and the Dead. Hate is a bit harsh... What is it about them that you hate? Do you at leaset detect the talent in the art?

Ok, would you prefer "detest"? :lol: I cannot bear the sound of either, so I've barely listened to them. People say they're talented so I'd probably at least agree on that...if I only I could stand to listen to more than a few bars of their songs. Overrated hippey dippey whiney boring shite, IMHO.
Here's another random getting to know each other poll. Who is the band that above all bands makes you just want to stick a fork in your ear so you never have to hear them ever again? I'll go first: LIFEHOUSE

A tie between the Spin Doctors and Counting Crows. I even don't like people that like them..J
Kirsten "Bruce Chickinson";10193656 said:
Ok, would you prefer "detest"? :lol: I cannot bear the sound of either, so I've barely listened to them. People say they're talented so I'd probably at least agree on that...if I only I could stand to listen to more than a few bars of their songs. Overrated hippey dippey whiney boring shite, IMHO.

It's Rock n Roll... I don't get it "hating" it. People have proved they're talented by seeing them perform for 30 years and over 2300 shows in their career. Not to mention the countless known greats that have sat in with them. I don't like lady gaga's music, but I know she's talented. I bet you do like some of their stuff, you just aren't aware it's the Dead. Ok, we can end this endless debate.
It's Rock n Roll... I don't get it "hating" it. People have proved they're talented by seeing them perform for 30 years and over 2300 shows in their career. Not to mention the countless known greats that have sat in with them. I don't like lady gaga's music, but I know she's talented. I bet you do like some of their stuff, you just aren't aware it's the Dead. Ok, we can end this endless debate.

I didn't know we were having a debate--I thought it was just a discussion.;) True, I don't actually bear any ill will to any of these artists, like I would towards someone who abuses a puppy, for example--the use of "hate" is simply common hyperbole, just as "love" is usually, and shouldn't be taken literally. I get the feeling you are a huge Dead fan. :) Yeah, rock 'n roll is...rock 'n roll and it's subjective. Maybe I would like some Dead stuff if I was sensitized to it. The only song I can remember is the one that got MTV coverage, with the performing skeletons. I didn't like it. Now Lady Gaga, I used to not get her appeal at all, but now that I keep being subjected to her music in public places, I actually like some of her stuff. Sometimes if I hear things enough times, I start to like it. And that makes me mad because then I feel like a traitor to my own opinions! :lol:
HEY HEY HEY! This is a critique free zone. Everyone's allowed to have their opinions without being judged. It's just meant for us all to have a laugh together. All the bands mentioned here so far have sold a lot more records than any of us, but that doesn't mean we have to enjoy their music. I would seriously rather be subjected to almost anything before sitting through a Grateful Dead or Counting Crows album. That's just me of course ;)
It's Rock n Roll... I don't get it "hating" it. People have proved they're talented by seeing them perform for 30 years and over 2300 shows in their career. Not to mention the countless known greats that have sat in with them. I don't like lady gaga's music, but I know she's talented. I bet you do like some of their stuff, you just aren't aware it's the Dead. Ok, we can end this endless debate.

C'mon now, she says she can't stand them and that should be the end of the story. I've had discussions like this before too. I say "I hate *insert band here* " and people go "Oh you just haven't heard this song/that song/enough of them etc etc". No, I've heard enough to make my judgement thank you! She hasn't said that they're not talented, just that she can't stand their music and nothing that anyone will say will change that. Like she said, I bet you're a huge Dead fan and just stepping in to see why someone doesn't like a band you love, which is understandable, but it's not going to change her opinion. :)

People flame me for this opinion but I find Led Zeppelin as dull as dishwater. I respect them as artists/musician/songwriters/whatever and their massive contribution to music - but apart from about 3 songs, I can't stand them.

If people say they hate one of my favourite bands, I say no more cos at the end of the day it's their opinion and I respect that.

HEY HEY HEY! This is a critique free zone. Everyone's allowed to have their opinions without being judged. It's just meant for us all to have a laugh together. All the bands mentioned here so far have sold a lot more records than any of us, but that doesn't mean we have to enjoy their music. I would seriously rather be subjected to almost anything before sitting through a Grateful Dead or Counting Crows album. That's just me of course

Well said Nita.
Great question Nita!

Well, I'd have to say ANY rap band. I'd rather hear finger nail screeching across a chalk board for hours than that shit. In the rock arena, Bruce Springsteen, Dylan, and the Rolling Stones. :puke: I hear any of them and it's radio station change, switch to CD, or OFF!
It's all good, Jenna. Kristen answered all my questions I was curious about and I was satisfied with her answers. I'm always interested in the reasons why people have negative opinions towards "significant" bands. Especially rock musicians' takes on other rock bands.

Kristen, I heard/saw the you tube vid of lady gaga on Howard Stern's show... Just her on a piano and vocals. BLEW ME AWAY! She sang with such soul and depth, it was moving.