Most passionate metal singers?

In addition to many already mentioned, Vittorio Ballerio (Adramelch) and Keith Deen (Holy Terror).

EDIT: Wait, no one brought up John Arch? :cry:
Speaking of which, is Adramelch's 2nd album at all worthwhile?

Yes, although not masterpiece-quality like Irae Melanox. The songs are generally shorter and more traditional/power than epic/prog-ish and the modern production lacks the MIDI-sounding kvltness of their debut, but it's still good. It's worth a listen for the song Dethroned in Shame alone.
In addition to many already mentioned, Vittorio Ballerio (Adramelch) and Keith Deen (Holy Terror).

EDIT: Wait, no one brought up John Arch? :cry:

I thought about how much emotion Ballerio puts out earlier today.

It makes up for how bad the words themselves are put together.