Movie tread

some days ago i've seen "the Wave", it's based on a real experiment that a prof tried to do in an american high-school (while the film takes place in germany).
this teacher wanted to proove that also years after nazism a totalitary and autocratic regime can be born.
so he and his class start to create a new ideology, trying to understand what's at the basis of this regimes, like discipline, sense of membership, and which are the problems that allow these ideologies to spread. they start to wear uniforms and they create a symbol for their group. but in the end the experiment goes out of control because the students start to really believe in what they are doing and start to behave like they are superior to all the ones that don't belong to "the wave"
the end is very drammatic.... and the film leaves you wordless....
OK, so here's my review of Alice In Wonderland:

If you have seen any other film made by Tim Burton, you know what to expect. And yeah, that's about it. Not bad, not excellent - just exactly what you expect...
Right now I'm watching Planet Earth, a documentary from the BBC. We're on to episode 4, non-stop since ep. 1. Each one is one hour long. It's Saturday night.

Yes, it is that good.

That's what I've got scheduled for tonight after band practice. I saw the Seasonal Forests episode and was awed. I also bought Doomsday (which I haven't seen yet) and Kung Fu Panda (which I have seen, and loved) but haven't had the chance to sit down with them yet. I want to get more Neil Marshall films, I once watched Dog Soldiers at a bar with subtitles (too loud for the audio) and it was amazing. Must be watched again. I'm also looking forward to his upcoming film Centurion, which is about a bunch of Roman legionnaires trying to escape the Scottish wilderness, being chased by a Pictish woman whose family they murdered and tongue they cut out. BAD ASS.
Time for some forum necromancy ^^

I've seen TONS of movies on the last 3 months. Right now I'm watching the Masters of Horror series once again. Jenifer, The Black Cat, Imprint, Cigarrette Burns...good shit.

I just saw Gozu from Takashi Miike. This guy is sick as hell. I've seen already Ichi The Killer, Visitor Q, Izo and Audition, so I knew what to expect. Yakuza Horror FTW!
Time for some forum necromancy ^^

I've seen TONS of movies on the last 3 months. Right now I'm watching the Masters of Horror series once again. Jenifer, The Black Cat, Imprint, Cigarrette Burns...good shit.

I just saw Gozu from Takashi Miike. This guy is sick as hell. I've seen already Ichi The Killer, Visitor Q, Izo and Audition, so I knew what to expect. Yakuza Horror FTW!

Yeah me too! These vacations I've watched tons of movies! I've watched one or two on a daily basis hahaha, mostly old/classic movies. Haven't really watched the movies you mention, don't really like the gore stuff. But what do you recommend? I did watch Battle Royale I and II, funny stuff :p .
Yeah me too! These vacations I've watched tons of movies! I've watched one or two on a daily basis hahaha, mostly old/classic movies. Haven't really watched the movies you mention, don't really like the gore stuff. But what do you recommend? I did watch Battle Royale I and II, funny stuff :p .

If you haven't checked the Masters of Horror series, do it. There are true gems there, as well as shitty chapters. There are some good adaptations from Lovecraft and Poe stories. Not too gore stuff but you'll shit bricks with some of them. Poe's The Black Cat, Cigarrette Burns (from Carpenter), Jenifer (man, this is horryfing, disturbing but not in a gore way), Lovecraft's Dreams in the witch house, Miike's Imprint...good shit.

If you are into old movies, try Spalovac Mrtvol (The Cremator). You'll love mr Kopfrkingl. I swear it.
If you haven't checked the Masters of Horror series, do it. There are true gems there, as well as shitty chapters. There are some good adaptations from Lovecraft and Poe stories. Not too gore stuff but you'll shit bricks with some of them. Poe's The Black Cat, Cigarrette Burns (from Carpenter), Jenifer (man, this is horryfing, disturbing but not in a gore way), Lovecraft's Dreams in the witch house, Miike's Imprint...good shit.

You are forgetting the most important film in the entire series; Joe Dante's Homecoming!
Haven't gotten through the entire second series yet, but in my opinion it holds a higher general standard, but nothing which really sticks out either way...

If you like Miike, I would suggest Three Extremes; a collaboration between three asian director's.
Fruit Chan: Dumplings
Nice one about how asian food is REALLY concieved, but the lowest point in my opinion.
Park Chan-Wook: Cut
Love everything I have seen by this guy, this is no exception. Beautiful pictures, brutal and yet funny story.
Takashi Miike: Box
Weird story, but some of the most beautiful pictures I have seen him put on film.

In the gore department, I would recommend Tokyo Gore Police, really funny stuff, with some excellent and creative ideas! Low budget yes, but funny as hell!
You are forgetting the most important film in the entire series; Joe Dante's Homecoming!
Haven't gotten through the entire second series yet, but in my opinion it holds a higher general standard, but nothing which really sticks out either way...

If you like Miike, I would suggest Three Extremes; a collaboration between three asian director's.
Fruit Chan: Dumplings
Nice one about how asian food is REALLY concieved, but the lowest point in my opinion.
Park Chan-Wook: Cut
Love everything I have seen by this guy, this is no exception. Beautiful pictures, brutal and yet funny story.
Takashi Miike: Box
Weird story, but some of the most beautiful pictures I have seen him put on film.

In the gore department, I would recommend Tokyo Gore Police, really funny stuff, with some excellent and creative ideas! Low budget yes, but funny as hell!

I didn't like Homecoming too much, to be honest. I laughed hard with Deer Woman tho.

How could I forget the great Chan-Wook Park!! I love his trilogy of the vengeance (specially Old boy). I'm sure I have those 3 extremes somewhere in my hard drive.

About Miike, I strongly recommend Visitor Q.
Probably going to go see Inception tomorrow. I love the director, and a buddy of mine says its even better than "The Dark Knight"...that's high praise. I hope my expectations are not too high.
I've been watching Breaking Bad. I love that series so much that I've seen the entire two seasons in a week. Today I saw six episodes, a lot when you consider that each one lasts fifty minutes (hehe). Already started S3, but won't watch it all in one sitting, in order to not get tired of the series.