Movie tread

Everything by David Lynch
The majority of David Fincher's movies
Mononoke Hime
Requiem for a dream
The Godfather (1st)
A clockwork orange
Pulp Fiction
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
Nightmare before Christmas
F_V I liked Dragonheart's quite a great approach towards dragons....not just like "hey, there's a dragon, we must kill him" or the "hi, I'm a little nice and shy dragon, want to be my friend"
so fine to me...

BTW: I also love SHREK!!!!

fathervic (shrekie)
suprisingly enough I enjoyed Shrek thouroughly as well! It had a great comedy twist and didnt seem to kiddy comedic. GREAT animation, interesting story, funny as hell in some points, good movie :) I didnt have very big expectations for it at first either hehe.....

How about First Knight? That was a good movie me thinks!
hmm this is hard!
but here are some i really like, probably forgot a lot :)

-Interview with the Vampire
-Lord of The Rings
-Final Fantasy
-Planet of The Apes(the orginal)
-Planet of The Apes(Tim Burtons version, even tho the orginal is much bether)
-The Crow(like them all.. but the first one are the best)
-Nighmaire Before X-mas(love allmost all from Tim Burton :rolleyes: )
-Fight Club
-From Dusk Till Dawn(the first one, the rest did not do it for me)
-Star Wars(trilogi)

and i think there should be alot more :)
Willow was good, I havent seen it in forever lol. Final Fantasy was DECENT, but it was so bullshit. I mean it had nothing at all in common with any of the Final Fantasy games, the story was slightly weak, bad main it was amazing to look at but I was dissapointed overall...
well final fantasy is just to see how well done the textures are!!!
the plot is not that interesting. I loved the movie, but don't need to see it again, where as Shrek I've seen it 5 times now and will watch it some more times!!!

willow was one of the most interesting flicks ever, specially in the time it was done!!! A bit weird though.

what about BIG LEBOWSKI'???? that's hilarious! :)
Originally posted by Final_Vision
Final Fantasy was DECENT, but it was so bullshit. I mean it had nothing at all in common with any of the Final Fantasy games, the story was slightly weak, bad main it was amazing to look at but I was dissapointed overall...
ehhh... well, FF (the games) dont have much in common with eachother, exept some theories... as for example the Gaia theory, which btw. was in the movie! just a little different, as it has been in all the games, they have allways jused stuff from all the games, just twisted them a little. ok not allways but in the newest ones, from FFV and up they have done that...

but anyway; it is IMPOSIBLE to make a story as great as in the games, u know why, yes u do, 'cuz the movie last only 2hours and the game could last as long as u want it to! but if u only play by the story line, it would probably get up in 15-20 hours of gaming anyway....

and well, the character part, I agree... but then again, the point about how long (or maybe I should say short?) the movie is...
Originally posted by Fjelltussa
There's a nor. movie that is called "Elling" that is really great :)

You think so?! I saw it a couple of days ago...
It wasn't all bad, but I've seen better... It's ok
if you don't have anything better to do >:oP
But then again... it's a Norwegian film,
what did I expect?! >:oP
hehe, lots of ppl say that - "nor. movies". I think there's many good nor. movies (and I'm really looking forward to "Jeg er Dina"), especially the old ones, like "Skulle det dukke opp flere lik er det bare å ringe" and "Den forsvunndne pølsemaker". Hehe!Anayways, "Elling" was so honest and the actors were great!