Movie tread

My favorites:

American History X- Good depiction of racism from both sides

A Simple Plan- The ending was very powerful and the characters were great

Fargo- Awesome black comedy, comedy hits home due to the area too, being from northern Wisconsin (fairly close to Fargo)

American Beauty- Another great black comedy and familiar because I know so many guys going thru mid life crisis like Spaceys character.

Lord of the Rings- Just a great movie

Honorable mention:

Shrek- Anybody for a smack bottom :)

Princess Bride- A film that can give Andre the Giant funny lines cant be all bad, remembering "Anybody want a peanut. And a great cast.

Brohterhood of the Wolf- Just saw it and thought it was great, even if it is a little overly dramatic with the slow motion and stop motion photography :-)
i've neglected this thread long enough.

some of my favorite movies...
-Young Frankenstein
-Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
-Monty Python and the Holy Grail

Originally posted by YMIR

btw does someone know the movie 'very bad things'??

with christian slater, jon favreau, daniel stern.....?
OK, I'm a little slow on this one.

Fist of Legend - probably the best I've ever seen
The Matrix - how can you not like this?
Office Space - dear god this one's funny... and true.
Seven Samurai - can't quite explain why I like it...
Frank Herbert's Dune. Not the version from the '70s, but the one on the sci-fi channel last fall.
The Shawshank Redemption
Muppets from Space
THe American President
Fiddler on the Roof
Devil's Advocate - which was good despite Keanu's acting.
Galaxy Quest
Schindler's List
Big Lebowski
Snach - just saw it last weekend, but dear god it was hilarious.
High Fidelity (dunno if it's based on the book, Blackspirit...)
Center Stage - It's about ballet, which I'm not a big fan of, but it's pretty inspiring for me.

Record of Lodoss War
Armitage III
Video Girl Ai - yeah, it's more of a chick anime, but the ending is glorious.

Wow, that was a lot, and I know I forgot several.
oh, and i forgot the Phantasm movies....I know they'd never win any awards for being the best movies in the world, but there's something intriguing about a Tall Man with brain-sucking spheres and midget zombies...
- All movies of Tim Burton
- Fight Club
- Snatch
- Pulp Fiction
- Hellraiser Saga
- Evil Dead (I,II,II)
- American History X
- The Return of Living Dead (I,II,III...)

and more more more.....


-Star Wars

-Star Trek (not all the movies tho...)

-most things with Brad Pitt and George Clooney

-A Clockwork Orange


-Everything by Monty Python

And most certainly lotsa more things I am not coming to think about right now.
I just caught some of a movie called Heavenly Creatures. It was very cool and I did some research I found out it was based on a true story.
Peter Jackson (LoTR) is the director and it is about two teenaged girls who were so close, when they thought they were going to be seperated they killed one's mother. It really happened and now one the girls is an acclaimed author under the name of Anne Perry.

Check this out if you are interested and be sure to read through the FAQs.
Hehe.. Heavenly Creatures is a good movie, sure is..:)

Elling is a GREAT movie, so funny! I thought it was going to so bad but then it turned out to be darn funny!! Wheeeaa...

-phyros (at work...)
Jesus Quintana is one of the best characters ever!!!!!!!
Nobody fucks Jesus!!!!!! ;)
yeap, Lebowski is great!!!!

fathervic (the dudist!!!)
Originally posted by Phyros
Elling is a GREAT movie, so funny! I thought it was going to so bad but then it turned out to be darn funny!! Wheeeaa...

And it will actually make it's way out of the country!! That's quite impressive!! Even 'over the sea'!!

I'm eagerly waiting for next Friday.... the 8th.....I thinkt it will be.....(premier show of "Jeg er Dina")
My all-time favorite movies:
-Cabinet of Dr. Caligari
-Eve's Bayou
-Mouse Hunt

Recent movies I have seen:
-Rat Race -- hilarious

-Office Space -- pretty funny

-Moulin Rouge -- liked it, but it is a bit too unoriginal of a story

-House on Haunted Hill -- was okay, but also unoriginal

-Waikiki Brothers -- wasn't that bad, but I couldn't follow the plot...

-Princess Diaries -- ugh. (it was an inflight movie, so I didn't pay to see it
I saw.... um, I don't know the english title of the movie... or the french one, but I'm talking about the movie about Amelie from Montmartre - last night. That film was brilliant!