Movie tread

Ronja Rövardotter :D
very cool movie.....
sad that when i watched it,my swedish were at a low level and i missed a great deal of things.....

but well,I guess i will watch that movie with my troll-kids in some years :)
I just saw "Jeg er Dina" - or "I am Dina". I think that was a great movie, but I also think it's the kind of movie you either love or hate. ......I wish I hated it. But I cannot, 'cause I understood it......
I know it's a movie, and in EVERY sports movie, the team that the movie is about always is losing the whole first half. Then at halftime they are all upset, then their coach hypes them up, and they run back onto the court/rink/field, and start winning while it plays hypeup music and shows them scoring goals. After the score ties and there is 10 seconds left on the clock, it slows down, and the misunderstood/rebellious person says something like "Coach, I can do this, let me make the last shot/run", the coach reluctantly agrees and the game is won by one goal at the last second.

Every sports movie I tells ya!
:lol: :lol: :lol: @ OYO

So true...........hahaha..........i knew exactly what you meant when you asked if they win by one goal :lol:

What else can they do?!?!? They could always make them kick ass the whole game and win, but me thinks Hollywood wouldnt do that as a climax hehe......the good must always win by a hair in the last second of whatever the climax is!!!!!!!!! ALWAYS hehe.

Oh yeah, Blade II is an awesome movie, Wesley Snipes is the man :rock:
Why? For all the M's, Q's and other insignificant letters in Gladiator? ;)

Anyway, since this is the movie thread, and Star Wars played now for some time... anyone who likes the movie??

I've talked to some people about it (tho it's not really important to me) and most said it was bad... strange, I have merely found something I disliked in that movie. :confused:
My favorite 5 movies (very hard to choose from)are "Braveheart", "Gladiator", "Lord of the Rings", "Seven" and "Before the Sunrise", but there is a lot of movies that I love.
Fav movies.. hmm, there are some, but I am not good at remembering all movies I liked, anyway, several of those were Clint Eastwood ones, I just love his humor :grin:

So, his best is either "The good the band and the ugly" or "For a fistful of dollars"
my fav movies ....
some french movies you'll never hear of.....
and Nosferatu the vampire
The sevens samourai , dersou ouzala
lost highway, mulholland drive
american psycho , requiem for a dream
natural born killers
1. Bravheart
2. Lord of the Rings - FotR
3. Gladiator
4. Snatch
5. Star Wars Episode II (honestly, this one suprised me)

Yes that would mean I really enjoyed Star Wars hehe. Special effects were amazing, hardly any Jar Jar :p , great great action scenes, and Star Wars' plot has always intrigued me. Great movie, im seeing it again soon!

Well Mary Poppins will be tough to bead. :lol: (seriously) :grin:

the Harry Potter movie was fantastic (i love kid's stuff)

Donnie Darko
The Exorcist (re-released version) *ohh an extra 8 minutes* :spin:

Children of the Corn
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
The Dark Crystal
Labyrinth (gotta love David Bowie)
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Natural Born Killers

And I'm looking forward to seeing the Scoobie-Doo movie, and Undercover Brother.. :lol: