Movie tread

Maybe...... but there are many films I'd rather see if I rent one or so........... I love old movies. Classics, like The Postman Always Rings Twice and Casablanca such.......... :grin:
Hmmm... gotta think a little about this... haven't seen much movies lately.

But faves:

For a fistful dollars
The good, the bad and the ugly (ok, basically any movie with Clint Eastwood)
Star Trek I through IX
Star Wars
Escape from L.A.
Die Hard I-III
Pulp Fiction (speaking of that - Reservoir Dogs' nice, too :grin: )
I've seen a few favorites here. But I guess what comes to mind is...

Snow White- A tale of terror
Royal Deciet
The Littlest Viking
Half Baked
Sleepy Hallow
and Lord of the Rings

Of course there are too many cool movies to name.
Thirteenth Warrior and Conan were cool movies Vindsval.

Oh ya, Attila was pretty cool.
Originally posted by SonOfAbyss
Anyone know the movie Cradle of Filth was in and what you thought of it.
I know I was told by a friend but forgot the name.

Yes, the name of it was "Cradle of Fear". It was a decent tribute to 80's splatter films, but other than that, it was nothing special.

My favorite movies...Fight Club, Clerks, O Brother Where Art Thou, Snatch, Dogma, Dirty Harry...just to name a few.
Originally posted by AtTheGates213

Yes, the name of it was "Cradle of Fear". It was a decent tribute to 80's splatter films, but other than that, it was nothing special.

Thanks AtTheGates123
Ever see Detroit rock city?
What a funny movie.
It would be cooler though if it was Venom at Millwauke Metalfest they were triing to see. Or Mayehem.