Movie tread

Originally posted by Primator
The "13th Warrior" story is quite based on the Beowulf-saga...

Yep? In what aspects? I haven't seen the movie, though. But I know much about Beowulf. :)
The northern king, Hrotgar (in the film played by famous swede Sven Wolter!), the she-monster who lives in a cave beneath the water which is killed in "the final battle"...well there are more references aswell, it was quite some time since I saw it.

BTW are you the same somber soul being active at the Primordial message board?
OK, I now see the similarities to Beowulf. Little bits and pieces anyway. I used to think the 13th Warrior was just some Viking film on its own. Hehe, maybe it's unavoidable to borrow from the ancient sagas when you want to make a film about Vikings. ;)

Yep, I'm also at the Primordial board. But it's kind of sad. It's a desolate place. I've suggested moving here to UM but didn't get many reactions. Do you post under the same name there as well?
Yeah of course, what can you expect from a Hollywood-production..? It's not "Korpen flyger"-style ;-) Still I enjoyed the film...especially the norwegian/swedish speaking in the beginning ;-)

I'm actually webmaster from Primordial... I've written Mark about creating something here for them. Hopefully that could increase the amount of visitors, just as you said. Now it's completely dead...
Originally posted by Primator

I'm actually webmaster from Primordial... I've written Mark about creating something here for them. Hopefully that could increase the amount of visitors, just as you said. Now it's completely dead...

Oh cool! :D I know that you replied to my suggestion over at the Primordial board. But, of course, I didn't realize you and the webmaster were the same person (since over there your handle isn't Primator...come to to think of it, your handle is a giveaway after all ;) ). I hope I haven't been too pesky about moving the board...but when I saw the Primordial board it really seemed a good idea, since this place here would be perfect. And I'd definitely be the first regular at the new Primordial board. :)

Hey, and keep up the good work on the Primordial website!
Originally posted by Vindsval
@Morgana and DeadWinterDead: Thanks for the welcome! :)

What do you think about the Lord of the Rings cartoon by Ralph Bakshi?

I haven't seen it and before you ask, actually I live without a tv and quite happy about it.
I go to my sis sometimes to watch vids with them, but usually I go to the cinema to see a movie.
As a matter of fact I already got a verbal agreement from Mark a month ago concerning Thyrfing, and I have already sent the material. :)

I don't know about Primordial yet, but hopefully...a board for them aswell.

(As I've already been spamming this messageboard too much, I will not advertise about their new fantastic album "Storm Before Calm", out now on HamHeartRec...)
Originally posted by Primator

(As I've already been spamming this messageboard too much, I will not advertise about their new fantastic album "Storm Before Calm", out now on HamHeartRec...)

Well, I've never spammed before. So...Go and get the new Primordial album, it's excellent! :D
This song was a total surprise for me. It's not really representative of the rest of the album, though. Hm, this is something that could be discussed in the new UM Primordial board (hint hint). Morg, do you have any of the previous Primordial albums?
Originally posted by DeadWinterDead
A Thyrfing board will be nice! And a Primordial as well! Two great bands! Definitely something I'm looking forward to.

More than nice, it would be awesome, fantastic!
YAY YAY YAY!!! hehehe...

I bought Vansinnesvisor today, and I can't wait to sit
down with my discman and listen! I've had it on mp3
for so long, hehe, but it's just not the same... Read all
the lyrics on the buss back from work, and checked all
the details in the artwork! Me wants to discuss the
damn album!!!!! ARRRRGH!!! Hehehe.... >:oP
Yes, Thyrfing and Primordial!! :rock: Those forums would definately be on my must-visit-list! :) Also, some general Viking Metal forum wouldn't be bad ;)

Another thread gone off the topic.... ;)
I've just been to the pictures to see "About a Boy".
I've read the book (and loved it, of course,
Nick Hornby wrote it!!). And damn, the movie was
brilliant too! They had changed a lot of the details
to make it all more modern, but it fit so well. It was
really well put together, and I laughed so much! >:o)

Just like the book it makes me feel I'm not alone
having weird thoughts! >:oP hehe....

Anyone else seen it?