Movie tread

one of my favorite movies has to be 'full metal jacket'
also 'platoon', 'apocalypse now'(as you can see I like war movies)
'Lord of the rings','a clockwork orange' and 'being john malkovich'

and if someone could be so kind to explain mulholland drive to me I would be very very grateful :)
@manuelgv : what do you want to know about mulholland drive ? :) anyway if your aim is to fully understand the film, i think it's lost cause even David Lynch said that he does not understand every second of his films. lol.
Originally posted by Roest
Just saw Ice Age, had a lot of fun with it, the word-jokes in the beginning cracked me up + the squirrel rules :)
:lol: i love that squirrel...:lol:

btw, i saw this weekend Almost Famous again.. dont know how many times ive seen this before..
on a sidenote concerning the LotR movie....I've been watching a sort of "making of" this afternoon. It featured interviews with the actors and ...what a dissapointment Aragon was in real life! :grin: Judging from his looks I mean. He looks so good in the movie. Same goes for Eomer - I was looking at the pics on a website for the film and I would have never recognized him. Not that this had anything to do with the movie but that disturbed me :p
VERY short hair and blonde, too! ;) Now, in my opinion, he looks much more interesting as Aragorn. But hey, have you seen Orlando Bloom's real appearance? He has (or had during the interviews) an Iroquois kind of hairstyle. And, of course, dark hair.
Just saw TTT for the second time, and well, I obviously like it, since I went my second time. Hmmm... I am having troubles deciding wich one I like the best, FOTR or TTT. There are more things that are disturbing in TTT but as a whole i find it much more, I dunno, powerfull? I guess I will have to wait, because I have seen FOTR way more, wich might be a reason, I might be more used to the anoyiong things in that one, + the extended cut is marvelous. I guess I will have to wait until the extended TTT omes out to pass my final judgement...:D

Other movies I have seen lately is Boondock Saints (recomendable) and Resident Evil (also recomendable).

Ohh, and yeah, I watched Blade Runner again, the DC, Ohhhh, I really like that movie! :hotjump:

-phyros ( awaiting the new (movie )year )