Movie tread

Originally posted by Phyros
I am having troubles deciding wich one I like the best, FOTR or TTT.
Other movies I have seen lately is Boondock Saints (recomendable) and Resident Evil (also recomendable).

I can't explain why, but I've liked FOTR more than TTT. The fact that I can't explain it is driving me nuts.

And I've wanted to see Resident Evil for a little while, but that's just because of Mila Jovovovovich.
Yeah, I tend to think that to, and my guess is that is because it was so astonishing, and now we have gotten used to the characters and the wonderfull views... + it is more "true" to the books. But I don´t know...

Yeah, Mila is a reason alone...;)

Young Guns 1&2 (You reap the whirlwind. you reap it. & Peyote hijinks- these movies rule!)
The Lost Boys
Airheads (just because they advertise Metal in the damn movie)

and a fuckload of anime
Escaflowne the Movie, Spriggan, Fatal Fury, Ninja Scroll, Hellsing
and a fuckload more

oh and for all you horror freaks, rent/buy Dagon, I have a fucking HUGE dvd collection of horror movies, and this is one of the best ever, makes everything else look like a comedy!
Road To Perdition and Panic Room are the latest movies I´ve seen... Road to... was good, a 3+ maybe 4, and panic room was good to but not as good as the previous one, a 3.


-phyros ( tonight´s the night I gonna make it happen *dumdumdiidum* )
I'm a big Darren Aronofsky fan, but it scares me that he's supposed to do the new Batman....huuuuuuuu....

mr V
Originally posted by Vintersorg
I'm a big Darren Aronofsky fan, but it scares me that he's supposed to do the new Batman....huuuuuuuu....

mr V

i never heard this.. i think he might be able to make it good. I think it would be great if he did a movie about mayhem, burzum, burning, churches, and all that stuff.
I'm just little sad that "The fountain" never got filmed and produced, I thought I would have been a great motion picture, but Brad Pitt backed out and everything fell apart aparently......
But Darren's co-writer to the film "Below" that had an American release in 11/10 '02.
