Movie tread

Good to hear you liked it! I want to see the movie, too. I read the book, of course. I hope it's similarly pleasing as "High Fidelity" book + movie.
Originally posted by Somber Soul
Good to hear you liked it! I want to see the movie, too. I read the book, of course. I hope it's similarly pleasing as "High Fidelity" book + movie.

You liked the High Fidelity movie? I didn't like it all that
much... It was too american. Such a great book, and
the film was just....not geeky and deep enough. It
should've been made in Britain, to make it all more
shabby :o) High Fidelity is a brilliant book though :o)
I agree, of course. The film should've been British. But on the other hand, so many things were kept. And Cusack loved the book and really put some effort into the screen version, that much was obvious. So I still think the film itself is very enjoyable with or without the book.

Have you read "Fever Pitch"? I haven't. Simply because I'm not into football. I guess you have in order to appreciate this novel.

Next week is going to be LotR week! I have pre-ordered the DVD...:D
Originally posted by Somber Soul
Have you read "Fever Pitch"? I haven't. Simply because I'm not into football. I guess you have in order to appreciate this novel.

Well, I haven't had time to start reading it yet...
But I have it here in my bookshelf together with
Nick Hornby's new book "How To Be Good" :o)

I'm looking forward to reading them both, but I
think "Fever Pitch" might be a bit boring to me as
well... Football sucks! Hehe... >:oP
I read "The Omnibus" with "Boy", "Pitch" and "Hi-Fi" in it. Haven't read "How to be good". Tell me if it's any good then. ;)
I still have a copy of Akira from 11 years ago. What a bad copy it is. That movie is kick ass!
I bought 2 dvd's and one of them is sell worthy.
Cheech and Chong-The Corsican Brothers(Sellworthy)
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs 2dvd (I only bought this because I like Snow White) I haven't seen it yet. But I payed severely, what a shame.

I am gonna for surely buy Lord of the Rings when it comes out tomorrow though!!!;)
When it comes to movies, I'm a big Brad Pitt fan. Fight Club, Snatch,
12 monkeys, Spy Game, Seven, legends Of The fall.. (ok -so he's
not the main character in all, but damn he rulz)
I saw "Bend it Like Beckham" (dunno how you spell his
name, Beckham? Becham?), and it was really cool! :o)

I loved all the indian music of course, and well, the story
is simple. As usual I could tell how it all would end after
having seen a couple of minutes. But sometimes simple
is nice :o)