Movie tread

movie night:

watched Donnie Darko - somebody will pls tell me what this movie is about? i got confused when i watched the extra scenes with the director narration...

Hair just ended on tv. I love it.

going to watch 13 ghosts in half an hour
I just watched the movie "avalon" yesterday... a japanese movie captured in Poland... i found it really great...(Mamoru Oshii)
Avalon!!! I thought I was the only one who loved that movie! There are only liek two in all of the U.S. but it's a bitchin movie! I was playing Dot Hack for PS2 at the time, so maybe that's why I also loved it so much more!

Butterfly Effect was an amazingly depressing movie... I suggest everyone go see it now... yes... drop the sandwhich... DON'T WASTE TIME WITH SHOES... and go right now...

Watched Outsider...worth watching but i doubt any of you have ever even heard of it:)
Gonna watch A Clockwork Orange...again...great movie

btw..ROTK is a good movie...if you look at it as being a movie...people shouldn't compare it with the book
Destroyer Of Orden said:
Avalon!!! I thought I was the only one who loved that movie!
No. By the way the soundtrack of Avalon is really great.

I just watched "Kamikaze Taxi". It's been a long time i had not seen a movie as good as this one.
here! bumping an old thread for all of us to chat about movies, before the Interviews thread gets jammed again! :p

ahaha you're right.

i've been into rock/heavy metal films in the last months.
i'm building myself a biiiiiig culture about that :lol:
the newest film i've seen is "the boat that rocked", a really mad commedy based on a true story. a pirate boat is broadcasting rock'n'roll from the sea of england, and it's the only radio that transmits rock music 24 hours per day.
but the govern wants this to stop and tries in every single way to find some "escamotages" to force the radio to close, changing laws for their goal.
the movie is really nice and amusing, some scenes really worth to be seen :lol:
a while ago i started my quest to see all the viking movies ever made :D You'd be surprised how few nice quality viking movies were ever made :( the best one in my book is still The 13th Warrior. I know it's all Hollywoodish and stuff but at least it doesn't mock them and doesn't make them look like dirty pigs they never were...

The last one i saw that you could arguably put in that genre, was swedish Arn: Tempelriddaren

which was rather good! Still need to watch part 2 though...
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Most recent film? 'Until the Light Takes Us'. Documentary about the Norwegian BM scene, going from the earliest days until now. Featuring Fenris and Varg the most, but there's a few others that make an appearance once in a while. It's a pretty unsentimental look at the scene from interested yet unattached outsiders, and that makes for a strong film. I recommend it highly, if only for the Fenris interview sequences alone. for more info.
Shaun of the dead (fuckin' hilarious gore!!!)

That one is simply geious! Have you seen the other one with the same actors, called Hot Fuzz ? Equally genious, and even though it is a crime story, it is even more bloody than Shaun! Some of the scenes are the same in both films, but with a small twist, so you gain extra fun if you see them both.

a while ago i started my quest to see all the viking movies ever made :D You'd be surprised how few nice quality viking movies were ever made :( the best one in my book is still The 13th Warrior. I know it's all Hollywoodish and stuff but at least it doesn't mock them and doesn't make them look like dirty pigs they never were...

You should look for two Icelandic films made in the 80ies. In Swedish they are called "Korpen Flyger" (The Raven Flies) and "Korpens Skugga" (Shadow Of The Raven). The translations are word for word from the Swedish titles, I don't know what they are actually called in English sadly...
Still, best damn Viking films I have ever seen.

Latest film:
This Is Spinal Tap (bought, but not viewed yet)
You shouldn't have bumped this thread. Because:
1 - probably you just revived a monster;
2 - I will never shut up again. :lol:

Now, seriously, last movie I watched was "Into The Wild" and I absolutely recomend it, although sometimes it can be a bit slow.
I was always into the 70s classics: Taxi Driver, Raging Bull, Apocalypse Now, The Godfathers, The Deer Hunter, Kubrick stuff etc, etc. By I was truly amazed by the corean movies a few years ago. If you have the chance, try A Bittersweet Life. If you don't, try Oldboy. Oriental movies about revenge, gotta love them.
a while ago i started my quest to see all the viking movies ever made :D You'd be surprised how few nice quality viking movies were ever made :( the best one in my book is still The 13th Warrior. I know it's all Hollywoodish and stuff but at least it doesn't mock them and doesn't make them look like dirty pigs they never were...

The last one i saw that you could arguably put in that genre, was swedish Arn: Tempelriddaren

which was rather good! Still need to watch part 2 though...

yes, there are few films about this argument.
the 13th warrior is one of my favourite films ever, i really liked it.

some days ago i've seen outlander and it's a total shit....soo fucking ugly. yes i knew that before seeing it but i wanted to see it equally....i'm a bit masochist :lol:
same with pathfinder, one of the worst films ever seen.

if i can give you two advices, try with beowulf and grendel, not the cartoon, the film with gerard butler, based on the beowulf poem, and the ring of the nibelungs, based on the nibelungenlied (well more or less), i think it's a german film.
You should look for two Icelandic films made in the 80ies. In Swedish they are called "Korpen Flyger" (The Raven Flies) and "Korpens Skugga" (Shadow Of The Raven). The translations are word for word from the Swedish titles, I don't know what they are actually called in English sadly...
Still, best damn Viking films I have ever seen.

i've searched and the exact titles are "when the raven flies" and "in the shadow of the raven"
i'm really interest in those, hope to find them somewhere, maybe in english, better with italian subtitles :lol:

edit: not really a movie but i've just seen the first episode of "flash forward" and it seems really intriguing. the serie has just arrived in italy (not on public tv, but on payment one). one day, in the same istant, all mankind becomes unconscious, they just faint and fall to the ground. everywhere in the world, at the same time, calculating the difference between places and hours. they remain unsconscious for 2 minutes and 17 seconds and then wake up all together. obiouvsly there's chaos everywhere, car accidents, planes that crushed, people that died, doctors that were operating and lost their patients. they slowly realise that they weren't sleeping but they all saw a moment of their future. so they start to check all the stories and discover that some people have seen the same events, for example if a woman have seen to talk with his colleague, also her colleague have seen to talk with her, so the visions correspond...and.....the episode is ended :waah: i have to wait for a long long week to see next one!!!! :erk: