Movie tread

I've been wanting to see Princess Mononoke since before it came out here in the states, but now it's impossible to find a subtitled version! I've only seen that haven't been dubbed HORRIBLY.

Anyway, I finally saw "A Beautiful Mind" on the plane back from Europe. Nearly tore my heart out... didn't want to cry on the airplane, but I probalby should have... it's been too long.

And I'm glad to hear the the new Star Wars has little Jar Jar. I may have to wait a week or two until I find someone who hasn't seen it, or is willing to see it for a 6th time.
Ok, for once I saw a film I will remember! Battle Royale.
I guess you people have heard about it or maybe seen
it already? If not, go see it >:o) I saw it at the Quart-
festival, and it was frickin amazing. Intense, insane,
never boring, arty, well done, and out of this world, but
still very close. I am not sure the film had a point for me
all I know is I'd like to feel that intense emotion you
have before you kill someone / die >:o) Hehe...

Edit: Argh, forgot, this is actually an old film, from 2000,
so if you missed it, rent it on video/dvd instead! hehe...
Norway is always late with the classics >;oP
Well, here are some films I liked..

Requiem for a dream
Clockwork Orange
Labyrinth(childhood stuff that seems to stick to me)

Films I have to see(and soon):

Pi(I'm tired to hear about it and not knowing what it is)
Necromantic(same for this one..)
A film I had totally forgotten about, but which is just great: "The Gods Must Be Crazy" (both one and two) It's funny, very funny, but it is very wise as well!

And this new mexican film for which I only remember the title in norwegian, but it translates: "And Your Mother Too" This one is now added to my favourite list!
Guess I didn't watch too closely the battle scenes, then. It was more the story, and all the mixing up of truth and fantasy, that I guess wasn't too easy to sort........ As for Gladiator; I haven't seen that.
I don't understand why almost everyone thinks gladiator is such a good movie. I did'nt think it was very special when i watched it.

I saw american pie 2 on dvd a few weeks ago and found it hilarious.