Movies/series thread

can't stand sci fi, western or any kind of comic book related bullshit :)

So what kind of movies are your favourite? Or are there specific titles instead of genres? I like most types of movies as long as they are well made so I'm pretty open to suggestions.
So what kind of movies are your favourite? Or are there specific titles instead of genres? I like most types of movies as long as they are well made so I'm pretty open to suggestions.

I mostly watch movies as a social thing, something that I find really good rarely comes along. Tv shows I binge a lot though, they usually need to be depressive/cynical/down to earth etc.
Rant and spoilers from Walkind Dead ahead




So WD is really starting to piss me off. It's becoming typical retarded show for retarded teenagers.
Year ago they pulled out the stupidest death ever recorded in television, Beth. They developed the character finally and when there was like 3 minutes of the episodes left writers were like OH MY GOD WE WERE SUPPOSED TO KILL HER, so they spawned a fucking bullet in her head after the most pathetic excuse ever.

And now fucking ching chong survives while being surrounded by a horde of fucking zombies because teenagers and retards love him.

If not for Jeffrey Morgan who are supposed to appear soon and I love the guy i would drop this show after today's bullshit episode. Fucking ridiculous.
After seeing this trailer I decided my waifu needs an upgrade


It's been since space jam when I last time fapped to a bunny