Movies/series thread

^As you should! Look forward to it and keep your guard up both, that is... I'm really happy that I watched it already because I have seen so many spoilers everywhere. I don't get why some people want to ruin things for others on purpose like that. It doesn't make sense. It's not even trolling?
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I just watched it at the new IMAX 3D Cinema here in Stockholm, omg what an awesome theatre! :dopey:
Oh and I liked the movie too, it looks fucking amazing!
Holy shit, I just googled and realized that the Nordic region didn't have an IMAX till last year. Now I understand why you emphasized IMAX on facebook on Jocke's post. :p

We have like 5 IMAX theaters within 30 km range here. We had 3 of them back in Bangalore where I lived before moving to Singapore, so I don't think I've watched a non-IMAX film in the past 6 years or so. huehuehuehue
My friend (and I must say that he's a sheep and likes everything) said today that new SW sucks.

Now im absolutely scared to watch this if he didnt like it.
^Well said. None of the Star Wars movies are perfect and this one isn't an exception. But it is a really entertaining and fun movie - probably the most enjoyable movie of 2015.

I can't find the words for how excited I am that they are making a new Star Wars movie per year for 5 years :D
They are making a "Saving Private Ryan style" movie called Rogue One: A Star Wars Movie. They're beginning filming in just two weeks, it's set to release in 2016. It's going to be about the people who stole the plans for the Death Star - set somewhere in between III and IV. The 2018 movie is untitled but it's a Han Solo prequel. This one I'm not very excited about, and understandably Harrison Ford has said he wants nothing to do with it. To be honest, I don't want anything to do with it either... I don't know who the fuck could play Han Solo if not Harrison Ford. It doesn't really make much sense, and to me it seems like a cash grab. But anyways, that's how that one is. And then there's a rumor about a Bobba Fett movie which is supposed to come out in 2020, but that one has not been confirmed yet. Oh and I believe they are going to make a TV series, but I'm also not sure if they actually confirmed that one either.
Holy shit didnt know that, oh wait I did know this but had forgotten about it. But that TV-series you are talking about.. isnt that the Live Series that Lucas planned and started a long time ago? As far as I know they killed that Project.
Well I hope its good, I could use some good and easy sci fi. And Rogue Squadron game damnit.

Gonna see it on 26-27th december, dont want to deal with such an enormous crowd in cinema. Last time I not only had to deal with tons of people but some fucks playing with their phones during James Bond. Sure, the blinding light from their screens stopped me from falling asleep but my eyes still hurt.
Holy shit didnt know that, oh wait I did know this but had forgotten about it. But that TV-series you are talking about.. isnt that the Live Series that Lucas planned and started a long time ago? As far as I know they killed that Project.

Yes, but that was the one from 2005. I think this is a different one? I'm not sure, but if they aren't making a TV series they definitely should :p
Just realized that I usually watch about 2 movies per year but I'm going to watch 3 movies in under a 60 day period. Star Wars, Hateful Eight and Deadpool
No spoilers, it's still way too soon and I know a lot of people won't see it for a while.

Star Wars was pretty great. The beginning got sort of ruined for me because some fat dude sat directly behind me and had the noisiest snack food I have ever heard. I spent the first 15 minutes hearing this absurdly loud bag of candy wrinkling in his hands almost non-stop. No joke, it was louder than the theater from where I was sitting and it actually drowned out some of the dialogue to the point I could not be engaged by the movie. Luckily he was true to his fatness and ate the whole god damn bag in under 20 minutes and I got to enjoy the rest in silence.

If he had kept doing that I would have eventually become un-Canadian and told him to quiet the fuck down because Star Wars.

Anyway, as for the movie, as you guys said it wasn't perfect and it was not quite as good as I was hoping, but it still far surpassed the last time I saw a Star Wars movie in a theater. I think a second viewing would actually make me appreciate it a lot more now that I am adjusted to the new characters and the direction of the story.

Also I have concluded Daisy Ridley was awesome.
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I was munchin popcorn throughout the Movie and at one point I felt like maybe im disturbing my neighbour. But went back to :popcorn:

Daisy did an awesome job indeed, really good. Carrie Fisher was horrible.
I feel a second viewing might be worse for me, since I have read all the complaints on the Star Wars forum I will find even more plotholes. And the eyecandy wont seduce me as much. But I need to convince myselt that all the plotholes are there for some retarded reason and will be explained in the next episodes. Otherwise they fucked up quite bad with some of them.
I was going to wait for the hype to die down, but I didn't want to risk finding out spoilers. (Not that going reduces all risk—some 10 year old yelled out a major spoiler to people waiting in line while leaving the theater. A friend of mine was in said line.)

My lady friend and I went to 9:30 a.m. showing at a theater that has a 21+ section and reserved seating—so worth it. Anyway, echoing all of the other statements thus far: Despite not being great, it was a lot of fun with some genuinely likable characters.

It doesn't wash away the bad taste the prequels (or changes to the original trilogy, for that matter) left, but I have higher hopes for the series now.
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I was munchin popcorn throughout the Movie and at one point I felt like maybe im disturbing my neighbour. But went back to :popcorn:

Popcorn is relatively quiet, this guy was energetically rummaging through an extremely noisy bag right behind my head. The sound of drinking pop and eating popcorn was totally drowned out.

Overall I don't really have the interest to go and look around for a more detailed Star Wars analysis, but from my own interpretation I really liked it.

I am also glad that someone else agrees that Carrie Fisher was bad. She was unconvincing, although I wonder if she could be better with more to do.
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Obnoxious people in theaters is the stuff that can really ruin a movie for me. I just get way too distracted to focus on what's playing. When I went to see it, a 50 year old woman was taking fucking pictures of the screen but I ignored it because as you said Caleb... Star Wars! If it had been another movie that I wasn't as excited for, I would definitely have left the theater though. Stupid fakken inconsiderate people