Movies/series thread

I think its okay to talk about it now... It has been two weeks :lol:

I agree with the First Order thing and I think the Starkiller was a bit pointless and a tired idea. I just think some people are too quick to hate Kylo Ren when to me his character works well, and there are other things in the movie that deserve to be picked apart more than yelling emo because they tried to make a different kind of badguy
TLDR; Kylo Ren has lots of time to kick all kinds of ass, and I am looking forward to seeing his story unfold.

Exactly. Kylo Ren did have some cringe-worthy dialogue, but at least there's substance to his character. Having motivation and depth that we as an audience can understand—that's already leagues ahead of the mess in the prequels.

The Starkiller Base was easily my least favorite thing about the film, something I knew would be true as soon as I saw the film's poster. (My reaction was a lovely series of expletives along the lines of: "You've got to be fucking kidding me, another fucking death star? This movie better be fucking great to make up for that laziness.")
To me, Kylo Ren is what they should have done with Anakin. I love a villain that isn't the typical type. Will be very interesting to see what they'll do with him in ep 8
Whats wrong with Anakin? I dont get the hate Hayden get, I think he did a good job and the story and the way he is manipulated by Palpatine in ep2 and ep3 is great.
I have no problem with Hayden. He's a decent actor outside of Attack and Revenge. But look at this and then tell me - withut lying - that you still think he did a good job with Anakin. McGregor at did excellent with the lines he had. Can't say the same about Hayden. Though I did hear that he was directed by Lucas into delivering them like this, so I suppose it isn't his fault. But again, I am not saying Hayden is bad - it is the character he plays that is bad. Just watch Jumper - he's ok in that one.

Seriously... I have no problem with it, I Think he is doing a fine job portraying anguish and hate. I have a much bigger problem with Samuel L. Jackson, especially in the Mace vs Sidious fight.

He is a traitor AAAAAAAAAA
Dont listen to him Anakin AAAAAAAAAAA
Now that is bad
And he is pretty terrible in everything he did in Star Wars.
All of the relationships are terribly constructed in the prequels.

I'm pretty sure the Plinkett reviews talked about this but one of the most striking issues I noticed was Obi-Wan's and Anakin's relationship. In A New Hope, Obi-Wan says when describing Anakin to Luke "...and he was a good friend." What in the prequels makes us believe that they were good friends? Almost every scene with those two is comprised of them bickering. The few times they're civil/friendly, it's while discussing some mission that supposedly happened, nothing the audience ever gets to witness.

Also, the romantic scenes, as @Qth mention, are abysmal; there's no noticeable chemistry between Padmé and Anakin.

(This is not to knock Hayden Christensen or any of the other actors—I blame this almost entirely on the script and directing.)
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I dont know if there is a saying in english that is something like "Best friends argue the most" but if there is then maybe that's that. Although I dont agree with this saying. Or maybe I dont have friends.
Maybe :(
I don't know Hayden's other work but I have heard he had potential. I just know that almost no actor could have saved Anakin from George Lucas' writing. I don't know how the hell Ewan McGregor managed to save Obi-wan and stay so likable and awesome throughout the movies, I can't think of anyone else that was able completely salvage their characters aside from maybe Ian McDiarmid... Ian McDiarmid basically embodied the Emperor in an almost classical acting style. But Ewan made Obi-wan one of my very favourite Star Wars characters in a trilogy with so few good characters, so I have to say that if there is a star of the prequels it is him.

It's funny because the Star Wars movies in the big picture are supposed to be about Anakin's journey, but I feel like the prequels are Obi-Wan's story, and that leads directly into Luke's story with Anakin serving as a backbone or catalyst for both.

Anyway, I think Hayden's acting job was on par with the horrible directing he had to deal with. He had a few dark scenes where he did a good job conveying the inner demons of Anakin but 90% of his dialogue was stilted and the "romance" was high school film quality.