Movies/series thread

It was a fairly solid Godzilla movie. It was a little bit lacking in action, but that's actually more true to the original so I forgave that complaint. I think Gareth Edwards will forever regret killing off Bryan Cranston so early, since it seems like every person to ever review the movie says it would have been drastically improved if he was in it more. Godzilla controlling the monster scenes, and Cranston commanding the rest.

yeah i liked the new godzilla as well. people just whined becaused "you barely saw godzilla". bitch plz, watch alien and get back to me on how bad that movie is because you almost never see the alien.

We didnt see a lot of Godzilla, thats true, but I liked most of the scenes when they were teasing us. What makes me laugh, the version from 1998 is rated higher on polish website than the 2014 version. I mean, what the fuck. And transformers are 7,3 while this Godzilla is 6,0. Polacks have no taste whatsoever.
And turns out i liked previous movie of this director, "Monsters". Ill be sure to follow this guy more, he seems to know what he's doing.
killing off Bryan Cranston so early, since it seems like every person to ever review the movie says it would have been drastically improved if he was in it more.

Lol, couldnt agree more. I mean, i dont give a fuck about plot in Kaiju movies, but Cranston, whatever he would do would be much better than your typical military/family drama. I hope they will get rid of it in the second movie.

But, I see they are trying to create some universe with their movies, hopefuly it wont turn to another superhero bullshit being spawned every year. Next one is Kong and Godzilla vs Kong. Never liked Zilla vs Kong titles, hope they will make the best out of it.

Please, include Mothra in next movies directors <3
As much as I ZzzzZZzzzZZZz during game of thrones nowadays props to the production for creating amazing makeup for children of forest, when they couldve went for easy mode CGI like hobbit or warcraft. They looked amazing.
Thats why you should just make the full CGI movie, so nothing would look out of place. No need to create shitty costumes and pay shitty actors to play.
I just want Tywin back. Such a great character killed off on a god damn toilet. None of the other "antagonists" could come close to him. They are all either over-the-top evil or uninteresting. Tywin was the only one that was always on point, and even though part of you disliked him it was very hard not to appreciate how calculating and smart he was. No one understood Westeros like Tywin. The guy was born for it.

Oh well. I think I will start watching again when season 6 ends, then I'll have two full seasons to watch.
Tywin was cool, thats true. Roose Balton was also an amazing character killed in stupid way.

At this point I just want Deanerys and Bran dead and the Westeros ruled by Sam and Gilly.
I just want Tywin back. Such a great character killed off on a god damn toilet. None of the other "antagonists" could come close to him. They are all either over-the-top evil or uninteresting. Tywin was the only one that was always on point, and even though part of you disliked him it was very hard not to appreciate how calculating and smart he was. No one understood Westeros like Tywin. The guy was born for it.

Oh well. I think I will start watching again when season 6 ends, then I'll have two full seasons to watch.

I personally think that killing him off was the right thing to do from a storytelling perspective, but I fully agree with you that he was one of the most interesting characters in the show.

Why don't you start watching now? This season ends in less than 3 weeks so if you aren't the bingewatching type, it'd be almost perfect with 1 episode each day and catch the last episode of the season :)
I might start it up this weekend and start back from Season 1. I do really like the show but I am still a little tired of it in a way. It's a draining show to watch at times. :lol:. Part of me still wants to just wait another couple years and see who "wins" (if anyone does) before I start up again so I have someone to actually root for. I know, that defeats the purpose of the show.
Well I of course think you shouldn't hesitate! Season 5 was a little bit lacking in quality but season 6 is more than making up for it so you at least have that to look forward to.