Movies/series thread

Just finished watching Vikings. I thought that Kattegat was an ocean and not a city and I also thought Denmark had zero mountains and I also thought Svend Tveskæg lived 200 years after Ragnar Lodbrok :lol:

But other than that it is a pretty cool show. I am looking forward to season 3 in two weeks :)

i also thought danish was impossible to understand, but i understand what everyone says in the show! they do make some changes for dramatic effect i guess
i was following BB ep-by-ep... ii was really excited and hooked, then they took that mid season break for a long ass time, and by the final 8 episode i was already uninterested. Also several complaints about the season finale.

Also followed Sons of Anarchy ep-by-ep, and it was one season too long, should have ended sooner. Also several complaints about the season finale.

I'm curious to try Dexter, never seen a episode. I really don't like the face of the main guy. Also Dexter is a stupid name.
Dexter was good for its time, but compared to what has been released the last few years its not that great, maybe the first 3-4 seasons but after that its downhill. I tried taking it up now where I left off, I think its season 6, its not good, some really annoying characters.
All seasons? No not really, BB never got bad, almost every other show does or it ends without a real end or just bad.

Breaking Bad is great, no doubt. I'm just saying that it's definitely not the best show ever - in my own, worthless, opinion :) The Wire, Game of Thrones, House of Cards, Band of Brothers, True Detective... Those are all better, but BrBa is still in my top 10 :)
i also thought danish was impossible to understand, but i understand what everyone says in the show! they do make some changes for dramatic effect i guess

Bitch! :lol:

In seriousness though, I think old Norse is closer to Swedish than Norwegian and Danish. But yeah I don't mind the changes, I can live with a few faults and historical inaccuracies. By the way, I watched the first episode of season 3 today and it looks promising :)
Dexter is a great show until season 6 I would say. Seasons 1-4 are all exceptionally good (2 and 4 in particular for me), and season 5 was pretty decent too. After that it's really not worth investing the time in it unless you're a diehard fan. Season 6 was completely shit with a horrible villain and idiotic story, and season 7 was awesome at times (mainly the beginning of it) and had a kickass nemesis but overall the story arc was hit and miss. Season 8 is trash, nothing redeemable about it.

I thought the Old Norse language was closest to Icelandic. I could be wrong but that was what I had been lead to believe.
I have been meaning to check out True Detective, I hear a lot of good stuff but there are so many shows to watch I don't know what to pick next.

Has anyone here seen Fargo? It was a pretty good show, it's kind of a "black comedy" like the movie was but with less emphasis on the comedic side. Billy Bob Thornton was awesome in it, he plays a surprisingly convincing badass killer.
binge watched True Detective about 3 days ago, really like it. Dialogs is awesome, actors are great, pretty much all eps have something going on, doesnt feel boring at all. and one of the actress has one of the best tits ever <3
Breaking Bad is great, no doubt. I'm just saying that it's definitely not the best show ever - in my own, worthless, opinion :) The Wire, Game of Thrones, House of Cards, Band of Brothers, True Detective... Those are all better, but BrBa is still in my top 10 :)

House Of Cards, got bored after 5-6 episodes. True Detective is indeed incredibly good, but its just one season and I cant really compare that with Breaking Bads 5 that keeps the same level of quality, or basicly gets better and better all the way through to the end.
Oh right.. watched The Equalizer with Denzel Washington last night, it was good, badass.
Also started You Better Call Saul, first three episodes is great.
I try not to waste too much time on tv etc so no, GoT makes me sick just watching the commercials, tried it a few times cant last an episode. Have not seen BoB.
I haven't seen The Wire either, looks good.
i don't see the appeal at all of GoT. I seen some episodes, and i think is poorly produced. It seems like they didn't put any effort at all to try to look "middle-ages", they just went to old places and put random costumes. Seems very amateur to me. Also didn't care at all for any of the characters.
Wat??? I can understand not liking GoT but to call it amateur just doesn't make any sense. As far as design and production I don't think you're going to find anything that compares. I guess Marco Polo is supposed to have crazy production value too but I have not seen that to compare them.
Marco Polo is produced very well, yes. It's a decent first season they did, however it's not as good as GoT I think. I would never go as far as calling it amateur though - a show that I think is amateur could be Arrow. Such a bad show :p
Very different tastes from mine if you hate GoT and HoC, that's for sure :lol:

I dont hate House Of Cards, I thought it rocked the first few episodes then I just got tired of it for some reason, nothing really happened, just bla bla bla from Spacey, even if he plays really well I just got tired of it fast.
Ah I see. I heard that before, I can't say I think the same though - I really love it, and hopefully season 3 (which comes out on Friday fuck yes!) will be equally as good as the other seasons