Movies/series thread

i don't see the appeal at all of GoT. I seen some episodes, and i think is poorly produced. It seems like they didn't put any effort at all to try to look "middle-ages", they just went to old places and put random costumes. Seems very amateur to me. Also didn't care at all for any of the characters.

Troll much??
Bitch! :lol:

In seriousness though, I think old Norse is closer to Swedish than Norwegian and Danish. But yeah I don't mind the changes, I can live with a few faults and historical inaccuracies. By the way, I watched the first episode of season 3 today and it looks promising :)

haha, i do understand quite a bit of what they're saing in old norse sometimes. i think it kinda sounds like a mix between danish and swedish (like a swedish guy speaking danish, but with the swedish articulation if that makes sense)

i don't see the appeal at all of GoT. I seen some episodes, and i think is poorly produced. It seems like they didn't put any effort at all to try to look "middle-ages", they just went to old places and put random costumes. Seems very amateur to me. Also didn't care at all for any of the characters.

uh, you do realize it's not set in the middle ages right? :p i think it's probably top three in best produced series atm. also, how many fantasy series have the production values of GoT? i love (or hate) most of the characters in GoT, but to each his own i guess
haha, i do understand quite a bit of what they're saing in old norse sometimes. i think it kinda sounds like a mix between danish and swedish (like a swedish guy speaking danish, but with the swedish articulation if that makes sense)

Nah, it's not Danish. I do recognize and understand some parts of it, but it's only a few words here and there

There are no bad genres, only bad content :)
Wat??? I can understand not liking GoT but to call it amateur just doesn't make any sense. As far as design and production I don't think you're going to find anything that compares. I guess Marco Polo is supposed to have crazy production value too but I have not seen that to compare them.

Marco Polo is produced very well, yes. It's a decent first season they did, however it's not as good as GoT I think. I would never go as far as calling it amateur though - a show that I think is amateur could be Arrow. Such a bad show :p

Troll much??

uh, you do realize it's not set in the middle ages right? :p i think it's probably top three in best produced series atm. also, how many fantasy series have the production values of GoT? i love (or hate) most of the characters in GoT, but to each his own i guess

In my mind GoT should be a epic adventure, at least that's what the trailers led me to believe, but as describe on wikipedia, it's a "fantasy drama". So i was expecting more LoTR epic action stuff, but when in fact it's a soap opera.
In my mind GoT should be a epic adventure, at least that's what the trailers led me to believe, but as describe on wikipedia, it's a "fantasy drama". So i was expecting more LoTR epic action stuff, but when in fact it's a soap opera.

So let me get this straight, you're judging the show because the trailers made you think it was something else? Trailers aren't a very precise way of showcasing what a movie/TV series is about, they never are - they are only an advertisement to get you to watch it. But if you want a LotR type of thing, I honestly have no clue where to look! I'd love that as well but I do not think there is anything like that in a TV series

with dragons :erk:

And a shitload of lady parts.

In my mind GoT should be a epic adventure, at least that's what the trailers led me to believe, but as describe on wikipedia, it's a "fantasy drama". So i was expecting more LoTR epic action stuff, but when in fact it's a soap opera.

Yes let's be sad it is not another LoTR clone.....
Yea, Walking Dead didnt need to show 2 disgusting fa... homosexuals trying to suck each others guts via mouths.
If this Eric dude wont die soon and I will be forced to look at those two going full gay on each other i fucking quit.

And Glenn / maggie fucking die already, thanks.
Im not even trolling here, I didnt see on this show two heteros or even lesbians going so hard on each other like those two dudes. The whole scene was just LOOK, WE ARE SO MODERN, WE DONT CARE ABOUT THEIR SEXUALITY, WE DONT GIVE A FUCK THAT THIS ERIC DUDE WOULDNT SURVIVE 2 DAYS, WE NEED HIM FOR DISGUSTING, SHOCKING SCENES THAT WOULD BE TALKED ABOUT A LOT.

And they succeded. I didnt see big annancments like NEW HETEROSEXUAL CHARACTER WILL APPEAR IN NEW WD EPISODE. No, but whole internet needed to know that there will be gay. Everyone seems to want equality but yet they still treat homosexuals like animals in the zoo, they are for the show.
Im not even trolling here, I didnt see on this show two heteros or even lesbians going so hard on each other like those two dudes. The whole scene was just LOOK, WE ARE SO MODERN, WE DONT CARE ABOUT THEIR SEXUALITY, WE DONT GIVE A FUCK THAT THIS ERIC DUDE WOULDNT SURVIVE 2 DAYS, WE NEED HIM FOR DISGUSTING, SHOCKING SCENES THAT WOULD BE TALKED ABOUT A LOT.

And they succeded. I didnt see big annancments like NEW HETEROSEXUAL CHARACTER WILL APPEAR IN NEW WD EPISODE. No, but whole internet needed to know that there will be gay. Everyone seems to want equality but yet they still treat homosexuals like animals in the zoo, they are for the show.
