Russell said:There was a reason they released Grave Of The Fireflies at the same time as My Neighbour Totoro in Japan
@Demilich - I got a Ghibli box set with 17 or so movies off ebay for quite cheap - an official one two. If you like them so much it may be worth shelling out on one. I got mine for cheaper than three full-price DVDs.
Demilich said:Pom Poko. Another Studio Ghibli release (yeah, someday I'll see them all) and another one of my favourite movies of ALL FUCKING TIME. Seriously, after watching this stuff I'm convinced that Disney should have packed it in a long time ago and had these guys take over. So much more depth, complexity, emotion, imagination, etc. all without sacrificing the qualities that I imagine kids would appreciate.
edit: I'm about to watch another one, Grave of the Fireflies, a story about two young children orphaned by WWII in Japan. I'm at the point now where I'll shell out good money for any Studio Ghibli release completely blind. And theres a new one coming soon!
Demilich said:The new one, "Tales from Earthsea" comes out sometime soon in Japan... July or something.
Demilich said:I thought the melancholy atmosphere of Fireflies ruled, probably especially because it was so different from the rest. The childish wonder of the other films is stifled by the wartime setting, showing a side of childhood that very few if any animated films do.
Spaffe, how long are you over there? The new one, "Tales from Earthsea" comes out sometime soon in Japan... July or something.
Thanatopsis123 said:An anime based on some Ursula K. Leguin work? I'm very intrigued.