
*sigh right back atcha*

Yep, because I'm a comic book fan myself. I fucking hated The Punisher for turning Frank Castle into a pussy - I mean, pretending to torture someone and then letting them go rather than actually doing it then killing them anyway? WTF? Of course, if it had still been a good movie, I would have overlooked those changes, and recognised they were put to the service of a workable movie adaptation. But it wasn't, it was a shit film. X:Men 3, however, was still a very good film, despite the changes.
meh, I thought the "Hills Have Eyes" was meh. Had some good moments but lacked depth.
Informative review eh?
Also, saw "When a Stranger Calls". Nothing surprising here, had some good moments and the setting/atmosphere were really good but meh. The chick, however, fills my requirements for teh perfect woman. Not perfect as in Adriana Lima, but perfect as in, somewhat realistic.
Thought I'd tell you all that.
The City of Lost Children
Not nearly as good as Amelie, but had some pretty rad visuals. Very Gilliam-eque, I liked but didn't love it. Either way that dude has a real knack for memorable, distinct characters.

Fucking awesome, I can't believe it took me this long to finally see it. Donald Sutherland is my father!

The Graduate
Best part is when they first bang, when she does the whole "well if you're inadequate" bit. The way the set goes dark and for a split second you see her smirk was flat out fucking brilliant. I love women.

Cowboy Bebop
Got through the last episode of this a few nights ago, I've been watching it over the past several months. Absolutely stunning anime, the best I've seen so far.

I've finally seen The Seventh Seal.

The scene with death taking the saw to that jester guy's tree cracked me up so hard. The pure absurdity of it all that struck me was priceless.
Doomcifer said:
NAD and the persiankitty are watching loads of movies. Not that it's needed cuz the flame is still early but watch them horror flicks...makes the bitches panties moist for some reason.
Actually I still do the majority of my moviewatching solo, but we do watch a lot together as well. She was a film major in college and she's still really into the whole artform of it all, worked for TV station for awhile and everything. She's getting ready to do her first film and I'll be taking care of the music and oral pleasure aspects.
watched a couple brazilian flicks the past couple days, CITY OF GOD which is seriously one of the best movies i've ever seen-you people who haven't yet need to see this-and BLACK ORPHEUS which is kinda dated but still remarkably good and the music is pretty awesome as well. i thought it funny to see little kids smoking in city of god, as that kinda thing most likely would never pass the censors in the states. let alone the scene where the kids get shot in the feet. intense. all the characters were amazing, especially lil ze.

NADatar said:
I'll be taking care of the music and oral pleasure aspects.
haha, actually just turn the bass up loud enough and the rest will take care of itself
finally saw Apocalypse Now.

er...yeah. the thing i remember the most is the line: "You're an errand boy sent by grocery clerks to collect a bill".

Why? because Mr. Peterman used that line in Seinfeld. Seinfeld>>>Apocalypse Now