
dorian gray said:
Just saw Miami Vice this afternoon
go see it in the theater unless you have incredible theater-like sound at home then wait for dvd. im not a big must-see-it-in-the-theater person but i think youd lose some impact with home speakers.
anyway, no other comments save for it's perhaps better than Collateral, better than Manhunter, probably better than Heat but if i woulda seen that when it came out in 95, my jaw woulda been on the floor, so maybe not. Never seen Thief. Very obviously a Mann movie, which is to say, totally great
:kickass: x 5

oh man, this was FUCKING GREAT !!! ... Mann has done the impossible ... he made me actually like Collin Ferrel ... and I hated that mofo ... this movie is like Erik Liking Megadeth and Zod and j liking Slayer ...

if you go in the right mood this flick will suck you in big time ... I felt like I was in the movie. The cinematography was breathless but in ways that it does not call attention to itself ...

there was not that many gunfights as you would think, but the verbal standoffs and dialogue (even the romantic type) were more tense than any shootout ...

Mann has slowly become my # fave director right after Scorsese ... he has this crime nightlife movie style down pat ... I have no doubt in my mind when I see his flicks that "this is how it really goes down"

Dorian, notice how Jamie Fox barely talks in the whole movie???

Re: The ending ... many people were saying coming out of the theater that it was a setup for a sequel ... I really don't think so. I think it was ambiguous on purpose ... like life sometimes. Besides if you think about it, they got the guys THEY wanted to get. Also ... Mann does not do sequels.

As of now.

Pathfinder Looks fucking awesome.
DESCENT WAS FUCKING GREAT!!1 Bloody, Gory, not cheesy. It was great. The UK ending is different than the Us version fromw hat Ive read.
spaffe said:
Watched a really cool movie a few days ago: Zatôichi.
It's the same director as the horridly overrated Battle Royale, only this movie is really good. It's very beautiful and has a very engaging story and awesome gorey sword duels to boot :kickass: ^
haven't seen that zatoichi, but i fuckin love the originals, goddamn what fucking awesome shit. i'm all about samurai flicks :rock:

also, stfu battle royale is awesome :lol:
lurch70 said:
oh man, this was FUCKING GREAT !!! ... Mann has done the impossible ... he made me actually like Collin Ferrel ...
I'm also with you in that the whole sequel talk is nonsense. I'm not sure what version the reviewers are watching but it's not the same film I saw apparently.
I also agree that HEAT>MIAMI VICE but COLLATERAL>MANHUNTER>THE INSIDER (havent seen Thief)

finally, cheers on seeing this over Talladega Nights :yuk:
cthulufhtagn said:
haven't seen that zatoichi, but i fuckin love the originals, goddamn what fucking awesome shit. i'm all about samurai flicks :rock:

also, stfu battle royale is awesome :lol:
The "Battle Royale" book was awesome. The movie was alright.
saw Talladega Nights this afternoon... pretty funny! Will Ferrell is pretty much the same guy in every movie, sometimes it works, sometimes its FUCKING HORRIBLE (wedding crashers), and this time it was pretty alright.
^ I didn't know that was out yet. Maybe I'll go see that tomorrow. What do you guys think? "Talladega Nights" or "Clerks II"?