Music and sleeping


New Metal Member
Aug 2, 2004
Yeah. Do you listen to, and what do you listen to, when you dwell deep in slumber?

Well, black, doom, viking, folk etc... those are maybe the best ones for sleeping, but sure thrash and death are fine with me as well. Heavy and power are rarely good sleep-music.
I CAN NOT fall asleep without music. I listen to everything in my arsenal, mostly Character and Damage Done when falling asleep, maybe a little Trivium and Jester Race too.
Hvis Lyset Tar Oss is perfect for falling asleep to, it was in fact designed for such a purpose. Sort Vokter and Aeternus tend to work too.
I've usually got my "sleeping bands" sussed out. Used to be Opeth or Agalloch, or Burzum or Abyssic Hate, though these days it's more often something like Sleep or Ulver or GY!BE.
I can't fall asleep to metal music unless it's some shit like Burzum or Nortt. Ambient usually works best for me.
Hmmm I actually haven't tried Hvis Lyset Tar Oss, but I'm gonna give that a shot.

Usually I go to sleep to ambient ie Vinda Obmana and Robert Fripp, or classical piano such as Chopin's Nocturns. Ulver's Kvelssanger is a good standbye as well. For metal, Velvet Cacoon's Geniveive is my album of choice. Overall I don't sleep to much metal though. How someone could go to sleep to something as up and down as Opeth is beyond me...
when i try and relax, its almost always enslaved- below the lights. bathory is another good one. id almost consider burzum, if vargs vocals didnt drive me batshit.

but yeah, slow folk/neo folk stuff
Burzums' 25-minute electronica song is perfect for this. I couldn't imagine falling asleep to Summoning. Their music is too dynamic.

Ambient is probaby the best genre to fall asleep to.
Variabel Parabel

Which is pretty much just ambient noise and random rumblings, but eh, I can't sleep to most actual music. Though Mistigo Varggoth Darkestra "Midnight Fullmoon" and Tiamat "A Deeper Kind of Slumber" work well.