Music and sleeping

Funeral doom or drone is perfect for sleep though they do create a few rather odd dreams.
Oh, one time I stayed up until five am and listened to 'Jerusalem' by Sleep and 'Dopethrone' by Electric Wizard all the way through. That was awesome until I had to get up at 9am that morning.
anonymousnick2001 said:
Where do people come up with this stuff?

Varg said:
Burzum was supposed to be such a symbol. Burzum was an attempt to create (or "recreate" if You like) an imaginary past, a world of fantasy - that in turn was based on our Pagan past. Burzum in itself was a spell. The songs were spells and the albums were arranged in a special way, to make the spells work. Burzum was not intended for live-shows, but instead it was supposed to be listened to in the evening, when the sunbeams couldn't vaporize the power of the magic, and when the listener was alone - preferably in his or her bed, going to sleep. The two first albums are made for the LP format, meaning each side as a spell, so they don't work on CD unless you program the CD-player to only play the tracks of one side of the LP at the time. The later albums were created for CD, so they don't work as well on LP. The first track was supposed to calm down or rather "prepare" the listener, and make him or her more "susceptible" to the magic, the next song or songs were supposed to exhaust the listener and put him or her in a trancelike state of mind, and last track should "calm down" the listener and carry him or her into the "world of fantasy" - when he or she fell asleep. That was the spell, the magic that would make the imaginary past, the world of fantasy, real (in the mind of the listener). If You take a look at the Burzum albums and how they are built up You will see what I mean. The last track of the "spell" (LP side or CD) is always a calm (often synthesizer) track. Whether this works or not is of course another question, but that was the idea anyhow.

part 1. about halfway down.

and it works too, try listening to "Hvis Lyset Tar Oss"
They say (someones mum who's a nurse, reliable information pwah) that you should get 7-8 hours, no more no less. Dark Throne makes me drift off, Transilvanian hunger bwah. I don't like this band at all really, but when it comes to drifting into the darkness it's good stuff.
Leiland said:
They say (someones mum who's a nurse, reliable information pwah) that you should get 7-8 hours, no more no less.
Yes, because just like everything else related to human behavior, there is one single rule that applies to everyone.